8 If but any one for those of own, and especially of the household, not provides, the faith has denied, and is an unbeliever worse.
19 Honor the father and the mother; and Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself.
12 you but the Lord cause to be full and to overthrow with the love to each other and to all, even as also we to you;
33 But also you the every one, each one the of himself wife thus let love as himself; the and wife so that she may reverence the husband.
2 on account of but the fornications each man the of himself wife let have, and each woman the own husband let have.
10 Now for men do I obey, or the God? or do I seek men to please? if for still men I pleased, of Anointed a slave not I should be.
28 Thus are obligated the husbands to love the of themselves wives, as the of themselves bodies. He loving the of himself wife, himself loves;
12 All therefore, as much so ever you may will that should do to you the men, even so also you do to them; this for is the law and the prophets.
14 Not be you unequally yoking with unbelievers; what for participation righteousness and lawlessness? what and fellowship light with darkness?
25 The husbands, love you the wives of yourselves, even as also the Anointed loved the congregation, and himself delivered up on behalf of her,
26 so that her he might sanctify, having cleansed in the bath of the water by a word; Ephesians
22 the wives to the own husbands be you submissive, as to the Lord; Ephesians
23 because a husband is a head of the wife, as even the Anointed a head of the congregation; he is a preserver of the body.
5 also very this thing and diligence all having brought in beside; do you superadd to the faith of you the fortitude, to and the fortitude the knowledge,
6 to and the knowledge the selfcontrol, to and the selfcontrol the patience, to and the patience the piety,
7 to and the piety the brotherlykindness, to and the brotherkindness the love.
18 The wives, submit yourselves to the husbands, as it has been proper in Lord. Colossians
19 The husbands, love you the wives, and not be you embittered against them. Colossians