6 having been persuaded same this thing, that the one having begun in you a work good, will complete till a day of Jesus Anointed;
5 not from of works of those in righteousness which did we, but according to of himself mercy he saved us, through a bath of a new birth, and a renovation of spirit holy,
17 So that if any one in Anointed, new creation; the things old passed away, lo, has become new the all things.
3 Blessed the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, that according to the great of himself mercy having begotten us to a hope of life through a resurrection of Jesus Anointed, out of dead ones,
6 That having been born out of the flesh, flesh is; and that having been born out of the spirit, a spirit is.
4 because all that having been begotten by the God, overcomes the world; and this is the victory that having overcome the world, the faith of us.
7 Beloved ones, we should love each other; because the love of the God is, and every one the loving, by the God has been begotten, and knows the God;
23 having been begotten again not from seed corruptible, but incorruptible, through word living of God and remaining.
5 Answered Jesus: Indeed indeed I say to thee, if not any one may be born out of water and spirit, not is able to enter into the kingdom of the God.
2 as newborn babes, the rational sincere milk earnestly desire you, so that by it you may grow to salvation;
3 Answered the Jesus and said to him: Indeed indeed I say to thee, if not any one may be born from above, not is able to see the kingdom of the God.