15 being truthful but in love, we may grow into him the all things, who is the head, the Anointed;
28 Began the Peter to say to him: Lo, we left all, and followed thee.
29 Answering the Jesus said: Indeed I say to you, no one is, who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, on account of me and on account of the glad tidings,
30 if not he may receive a hundred fold, now in the season this, houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and fields, with persecutions, and in the age to come life agelasting.
31 Many but shall be first, last; and last, first.
12 Again therefore the Jesus to them spoke, saying: I am the light of the world; he following me, not not shall walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of the life.
21 To this for you were called; because even Anointed suffered on behalf of you, to you leaving behind an example, so that you may follow in the steps of him;
22 who sin not did, nor was found guile in the mouth of him;
23 who being reviled not reviled again, suffering not he threatened, delivered himself up but to the one judging righteously;
43 The morrow he desired to go forth into the Galilee; and he finds Philip, and says to him: Follow me.
19 And he says to them: Come behind of me, and I will make you fishers of men.
20 They and immediately leaving the nets, followed him.
26 If me may serve any one, me let him follow; and where am I, there also the servant the mine shall be; if any one me may serve, will honor him the Father.
57 It happened and going of them in the way, said one to him: I will follow thee, whenever thou mayest go, O master.
58 And said to him the Jesus: The foxes dens have, and birds of the heaven roots; the but son of the man not has, where the head he may rest.
59 He said and to another: Follow me. He but said: O master, permit thou me having gone first to bury the father of me.
60 Said and to him the Jesus: Leave the dead ones to bury the of themselves dead ones; thou and having gone publish the kingdom of the God.
61 Said and also another I will follow thee, O master; first but permit thou me to bid farewell to those in the house of me.
62 Said but to him the Jesus: No one having put the hand of himself on a plough, and looking for the things behind, welldisposed is for the kingdom of the God.
26 If any one comes to me, and not hates the father of himself, and the mother, and the wife, and the children, and the brothers, and the sisters, still more and even the of himself life, not is able of me a disciple to be.
27 And whoever not bears the cross of himself, and comes after me, not is able of me to be a disciple.
9 And passing on the Jesus from thence, he saw a man sitting at the customhouse, Matthew being named; and he says to him: Follow me. And rising up he followed him.
24 Then the Jesus said to the disciples of him: If any one wish after me to come, let him deny himself, and let him bear the cross of him, and follow me.