39 He finding the life of himself, shall lose her; and he having lost the life of himself on account of me, shall find her.
29 because to you it was given that on behalf of Anointed, not only that him to believe, but also that on behalf of him to suffer;
35 Who us will separate from the love of the Anointed? Affliction, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
3 And if I bestow all the possessions of me, and if I should give the body of me so that it should be burned, love but not have, nothing I am profited.
5 because as abounds the sufferings of the Anointed in us, so by means of the Anointed abounds also the comfort of us.
17 The for momentary lightness of the affliction of us, according to an exceeding on an exceeding agelasting weight of glory works out for us;
1 Anointed then having suffered on behalf of us in flesh, and you the same thought arm yourselves, (because the one having suffered in flesh, has ceased from sin,)
21 To this for you were called; because even Anointed suffered on behalf of you, to you leaving behind an example, so that you may follow in the steps of him;
10 The and God of all favor that one having called us into the agelasting of himself glory by Anointed Jesus, a little having suffered, himself to complete you, he will confirm, he will strengthen, he will establish.
22 Help therefore having obtained of that from of the God, till the day this I have stood, testifying to small both and to great, nothing beyond saying, of what both the prophets spoke being about to take place, and Moses;
23 that liable to suffer the Anointed, that first from a resurrection of dead ones a light he is about to announce to the people and to the Gentiles.
2 Of each other the burdens bear you, and thus fulfil you the law of the Anointed.
14 But if even you suffer because of righteousness, happy ones. The but fear of them not do you fear, neither should you troubled;
28 And having stripped him, they put on to him a soldiers cloak scarlet.
29 And braiding a crown of thorns, placed upon the head of him, and a reed of the right of him; and bending the knee in presence of him, mocked him, saying: Hail, the king of the Jews.
3 Not alone and, but also we boast in the afflictions, knowing that the affliction endurance works out,
4 the and endurance approbation, the and approbation hope,
3 Worthy of praise the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, the Father of the mercies, and God of all comfort,
4 the one comforting us in all the affliction of us, in order that to be able us to comfort those in every affliction, by means of the comfort, of which we are comforted ourselves by the God;
23 And in the unseen having lifted the eyes of himself, being in torment, sees the Abraham from a distance, and Lazarus in the bosoms of him.
24 And he crying out said: O father Abraham, do thou pity me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of the finger of himself of water, and may cool the tongue of me; for I am in pain in the flame this.
18 I reckon for, that not comparable the sufferings of the now season with the being about glory to be revealed in us.
38 and who not takes the cross of himself, and follows after me, not is of me worthy.
10 of the to know him, and the power of the resurrection of him, and the fellowship of the sufferings of him, being conformed to the death of himself,