10 Indeed for, when we were with you, this we announced to you, that if any one not wishes to work, neither let him eat.
11 We hear for some are walking, among you out of order, nothing working, but being above work.
12 To the now such like we command and we exhort through the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, that with quietness working the of themselves bread they may eat.
31 Whether then you eat, or you drink, or anything you do, all things for glory of God do you.
23 and every thing, whatever you may do, from soul work you, as to the Lord and not to men.
17 and every thing, whatever you may do, in word or in work, all in name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God and Father through him.
12 Indeed indeed I speak to you, he believing into me, the works which I do, also he shall do, and greater of these shall he do; because I to the Father of me am going,
14 all things of you in love let it be done.
14 All things do you without murmurings and disputings;
15 that you may be blameless ones and harmless ones, children of God irreproachable in midst of a generation perverse and having been misguided; to which you appear as luminaries in world,
15 Be thou diligent thyself approved to present to the God, a workman unashamed, cutting straight the word of the truth.
8 Powerful but the God every favor to make abound to you, that in every thing always allsufficiency having, you may abound in every work good;
23 and every thing, whatever you may do, from soul work you, as to the Lord and not to men.
24 Knowing, that from Lord you will receive the recompence of the inheritance, the for Lord Anointed you serve.
16 All writing inspired of God and profitable for teaching, for proof, for correction, for turning up that in righteousness;
17 so that complete may be the of the God man, for every work good having been thoroughly fitted,
15 Be thou diligent thyself approved to present to the God, a workman unashamed, cutting straight the word of the truth.
8 See you yourselves, that not we may lose the things we performed, but a reward full we may receive.
11 and to strive earnestly to be quiet, and to do the things your own, and to work with the own hands of you, as to you we commanded;
12 so that you walk becomingly towards those outside, and of nothing need may have.
24 But of no account I make, nor I the life of me valuable to myself, so that to finish the course of me with joy, and the services which I received from the Lord Jesus, to earnestly declare the glad tidings of the favor of the God.
7 with goodwill serving, as to the Lord and not to men;
8 knowing, that whatever any each one may do good thing, this he will receive from Lord, whether a slave, or a freeman.
58 Wherefore, brethren of me beloved, steadfast be you, unmovable, abounding in the work of the Lord at all times, knowing, that the labor of you not is vain in Lord.
13 And who the one will be injuring you if of the good imitators you become?
28 The one stealing no longer let him steal, rather but let him toil working the good thing with the hands, so that he may have to give to the one want having.
9 Therefore remains a keeping of a sabbath for the people of the God.
10 The for one having entered into the rest of him, also himself caused to rest from the works of himself, like as from the own the God.
26 Look attentively at the birds of the heaven, for not they sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and the Father of you the heavenly feeds them. Not you greatly excel them?