12 How much then is superior a man of a sheep? So that it is lawful to the sabbath good to do.
6 In for Anointed Jesus neither circumcision anything avails, nor circumcision; but faith through love strongly working.
29 Not two sparrows an assarius are sold? and one of them not shall fall upon the earth without the Father of you.
30 Of you and even the hairs of the head all being numbered are.
31 Not therefore fear you; many sparrows are better you.
6 Not five sparrows are sold assarii two? and one out of them not is being forgotten in presence of the God.
7 But also the hairs of the head of you all have been numbered. Not therefore fear you; many sparrows you are better.
24 But of no account I make, nor I the life of me valuable to myself, so that to finish the course of me with joy, and the services which I received from the Lord Jesus, to earnestly declare the glad tidings of the favor of the God.
26 Look attentively at the birds of the heaven, for not they sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and the Father of you the heavenly feeds them. Not you greatly excel them?