1 I entreat therefore you, brethren, through the tender compassion of the God, to present the bodies of you a sacrifice living, holy, wellpleasing to the God, the rational religious service of you;
2 and not conform yourselves to take age this, but transform yourselves by the renovation of the mind of you, in order that to prove you, what the will of the God, the good and wellpleasing and perfect.
36 If then the son you may make free, really free you shall be.
31 Said then the Jesus to those having believed him Jews: If you may abide in the word the my, truly disciples of me you are,
32 and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make free you.
13 You are the salt of the earth. If but the salt become tasteless, with what shall it be salted? for nothing is it of service any more, except to be cast out, and trodden under foot by the men.
11 It has been written for: Live I, says Lord, because to me shall bend every knee, and every tongue shall confess to the God.
12 So then each one of us concerning himself an account shall give to the God.
13 and not bring us into temptation, but save us from the evil.
1 In the freedom with which us Anointed made free, stand you firm, and not again in a yoke of bondage be you held fast.
12 All things to me is lawful, but not all things is beneficial; all things to me it lawful, but not I will be brought to subjection by any one.
18 And not be you drunk with wine, in which is profligacy, but be you filled with spirit,
21 envying, murderers, drunkennesses, revellings, and the things like of them; which things I tell before you, even as also I said before, that they the these things practising a kingdom of God not shall inherit.
23 against the such like not is a law.
36 If then the son you may make free, really free you shall be.
13 A temptation you not has taken if not being belonging to man; faithful but the God, who not will permit you to be tempted above what you are able, but will make you with the temptation also the way out, that you may be able to bear up under.
2 in order that no longer of men to desire, but to will of God the remaining in flesh to live time.
3 Sufficient for for us the having passed by time of the life the will of the Gentiles, to havewrought, having walked in licentiousness, in inordinate desires, in excesses of wine, in revellings, in drinkings, and in unlawful idolatries;
4 in which they are surprised, not running with of you to the same the of profligacy excess, speaking evil;
5 they shall give an account to him in readiness having to judge living ones and dead ones.
6 In order to this for also to dead ones was glad tidings announced, so that they might be judged indeed according to men in flesh they might live but according to God in spirit.
7 All things but the end has approached; be you of same mind therefore, and be you vigilant in the prayers.
3 knowing, that the proof of you of the faith works out patience.
9 Or not know you, that unjust ones of God a kingdom not shall inherit? Not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminates, nor Sodomites,
10 nor thieves, nor covetous persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, not extortioners, a kingdom of God not shall inherit.
11 And these things some you were; but you washed yourselves, but you were separated, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, an in the spirit of the God of us.
16 because all that in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pomp of the life, not is from the Father, but from the world is.
11 Shone forth for the favor of the God that saving for all men,
12 admonishing us, so that having renounced the impiety and the worldly desires, prudently and righteously and piously we may live in the present age;
11 So also you count yourselves dead ones indeed by the sin, living ones but by the God, in Anointed Jesus.
12 Not therefore let reign the sin, in the mortal of you body, in order that to obey;
13 nor present you the members of you weapons of unrighteousness to the sin; but present you yourselves to the God, as out of dead ones living, and the members of you weapons of righteousness to the God.
41 Watch you and pray you, that not you enter into temptations; and indeed spirit ready, the but flesh weak.
7 Be you subject therefore to the God; be opposed to the accuser, and he will flee from you;
34 Answered them the Jesus: Indeed indeed I say to you, that every one who is doing the sin, a slave is of the sin.
23 No longer be thou a water drinker, but wine a little do thou use on account of the stomach of thee and the frequent of thee weaknesses.
13 A temptation you not has taken if not being belonging to man; faithful but the God, who not will permit you to be tempted above what you are able, but will make you with the temptation also the way out, that you may be able to bear up under.
8 If we should say, that sin not we have, ourselves we deceive, and the truth not is in us.
9 If we confess the the sins of us, faithful he is and just so that he may forgive to us the sins, and he may cleanse us from all righteousness.
12 All things to me is lawful, but not all things is beneficial; all things to me it lawful, but not I will be brought to subjection by any one.
19 Or not know you, that the body of you a temple of the in you holy spirit is, which you have from God, and not you are of yourselves?
5 If for planted together we have become in the likeness of the death of him, certainly also of the resurrection we shall be;
6 this knowing, that the old of us man was crucified with, that might be rendered powerless the body of the sin, of the no longer to be enslaved us in the sin;