4 I give thanks to the God of me always concerning you, for the favor of the God for that having been given to you in Anointed Jesus;
32 Who indeed of the own son not spared, but on behalf of us all delivered up him; how not also with him the things all to us will he graciously give?
6 nothing be you overcareful, but in everything by the prayer and by the supplication with thanksgiving the requests of you let be made known to the God;
20 giving thanks at all times on behalf of all, in name the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, to the God and Father;
2 To the prayer attend you constantly, watching in it, with thankfulness; Colossians
3 Great peace enjoying through thee, and worthy deed being done to the nation this through of the of thy foresight, in every thing and everywhere we accept, O most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.
16 not I cease giving thanks on behalf of you, a remembrance of you making in the prayers of me;
57 To the but God thanks, to the one having given to us, the victory through the Lord of us Jesus Anointed.
3 To give thanks we are bound to the God always concerning you, brethren, as proper it is, because is growing fast the faith of you, and abounds the love of one of each of all of you for each other;
14 And seeing he said to them: Going show you yourselves to the priests. And it happened in the to go them, they were cleansed.
15 One and of them, saying that he was cured turned back, with a voice loud glorifying the God;
16 and fell on face at the feet of him, giving thanks to him; and he was a Samaritan.
17 Answering and the Jesus said: Not the ten were cleansed? the but nine where?
18 Not they found having returned to give glory to the God, except the foreigner this?
19 And he said to him: Arising go thou; the faith of thee has saved thee.
8 First indeed I give thanks to the God of me through Jesus Anointed on account of all of you, because the faith of you is celebrated in whole the world.
36 Because out of him, and through him, and for him the things all; to him the glory for the ages. So be it.
18 in every thing give you thanks; this for will of God in Anointed Jesus concerning you.
15 Thanks but to the God for the inexpressible of him free gift.
21 Because having known the God, not as God they glorified or they gave thanks; but were vain in the reasonings of them, and was darkened the perverse of them heart;
28 Therefore kingdom unshaken receiving, may we hold fast favor, by means of which we may serve acceptably to the God, with reverence and piety.
15 and the peace of the Anointed one let preside in the hearts of you, for which also you were called in one body; and thankful ones become you.
16 The word of the Anointed let dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching, and admonishing each other in psalms and in hymns and in songs spiritual, with favor singing in the hearts of you to the God;
17 and every thing, whatever you may do, in word or in work, all in name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God and Father through him.
12 And entering of him into a certain village, met him ten leprous men, who stood far off.
13 And they lifted up a voice, saying: Jesus master pity us.
14 And seeing he said to them: Going show you yourselves to the priests. And it happened in the to go them, they were cleansed.
15 One and of them, saying that he was cured turned back, with a voice loud glorifying the God;
16 and fell on face at the feet of him, giving thanks to him; and he was a Samaritan.
17 Answering and the Jesus said: Not the ten were cleansed? the but nine where?
18 Not they found having returned to give glory to the God, except the foreigner this?
19 And he said to him: Arising go thou; the faith of thee has saved thee.
3 Gratitude I have to the God, to whom I offer homage from ancestors with pure conscience, as unceasingly I have the concerning thee remembrance in the prayers of me night and day,
15 and the peace of the Anointed one let preside in the hearts of you, for which also you were called in one body; and thankful ones become you.
11 in every thing being enriched for all liberality, which works out through us thanksgivings to the God;
16 The word of the Anointed let dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching, and admonishing each other in psalms and in hymns and in songs spiritual, with favor singing in the hearts of you to the God;
17 and every thing, whatever you may do, in word or in work, all in name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God and Father through him.