15 And on account of this of a covenant new a mediator he is, so that of a death having taken place, for a redemption of the under the first covenant transgressions, the promise might receive those having been called of the agelasting inheritance.
15 And on account of this of a covenant new a mediator he is, so that of a death having taken place, for a redemption of the under the first covenant transgressions, the promise might receive those having been called of the agelasting inheritance.
20 The now God of the peace, the one having led up out of dead ones the shepherd of the sheep the great by blood of a covenant agelasting, the Lord of us Jesus,
21 knit together you in every work good, in order the to do the will of him; doing in you the wellpleasing thing in presence of himself, through Jesus Anointed; to whom the glory for the ages of the ages; so be it.
6 now but more excellent he has obtained a service by as much also of a better he is covenant a mediator, which on better promises has been instituted.
6 who also qualified us servants of a new covenant, not of letter, but of spirit; the for letter kills, the but spirit gives life.
24 Which things is being adapted to another meaning; these for are two covenants; one indeed from mount Sinai, for servitude bring forth, which is Agar;
25 the for Agar, Sinai a mountain it is in the Arabia, it corresponds and to the present Jerusalem, she is in bondage for with the children of herself;
26 the but above Jerusalem, a freewoman is, who is a mother of us: