15 And on account of this of a covenant new a mediator he is, so that of a death having taken place, for a redemption of the under the first covenant transgressions, the promise might receive those having been called of the agelasting inheritance.
8 Finding fault for to them he says: Lo, days are coming, says a Lord, and I will finish with the house Israel and with the house of Judah a covenant new;
9 not according to the covenant which I made with the fathers of them, in a day having laid hold of me of the hand of them, to lead out them out of land of Egypt; because they not did abide in the covenant of me, and I cared not for them, says a Lord.
10 For this the covenant which I will covenant with the house of Israel after the days those, says Lord, giving laws of me into the mind of them, and on hearts of them I will write them; and I will be to them for a God, and they shall be to me for a people.
11 And not not they may teach each one the fellowcitizen of himself, and each one the brother of himself, saying: Know you the Lord; because all shall know me, from least of them even to greatest of them.
12 Because merciful I will be to the unrighteousnesses of them, and of the sins of them and of the iniquities of them not not I will remember more.
25 You are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant, which ratified the God to the fathers of us, saying to Abraham: And in the seed of thee shall be blessed all the families of the earth.
26 To you first the God, having raised up the servant of himself, sent him blessing you, in the to turn each one from the evil deeds of you.
25 In like manner also the cup, after the to have supped, saying: This the cup the new covenant is in the my blood; this do you, as often as you may drink, for the my remembrance.
6 now but more excellent he has obtained a service by as much also of a better he is covenant a mediator, which on better promises has been instituted.