33 Not be you led astray. Corrupt habits virtuous companionships evil.
11 Beloved ones, if thus the God loved us, also we ought each other to love. God no one at any time has seen.
12 If we love each other, the God in us abides, and the love of him having been perfected it is in us.
13 Greater of this love no one has, that any one the life of himself may lay down in behalf of the friends of himself.
14 You friends of me are, if you may do what things I command you.
15 No more you I call slaves; because the slaves not knows what does of him the lord; you but I have called friends, because all things which I heard from the Father of me, I made known to you.
16 By this we have known the love, because he on behalf of us the life of himself laid down; and we ought on behalf of the brethren the lives to lay down.
17 Who but may have the substance of the world, and may see the brother of himself need having, and may close the bowels of himself from him, how the love of the God abides in him?
18 Dear children of me, not we should love in word nor in the tongue, but in work and in truth.
12 This is the commandment the mine, that you love each other, as I loved you.
13 Greater of this love no one has, that any one the life of himself may lay down in behalf of the friends of himself.
10 in the brotherly kindness, towards each other tender affection; in the honor each other going before;
23 And was fulfilled the writing that saying: Believed but Abraham the God, and it was counted to him for righteousness; and a friend of God he was called.