4 Adulterers and adulteresses, not know you, that the friendship of the world enmity of the God is? whoever therefore may wish a friend to be of the world, an enemy of the God is rendered.
10 in the brotherly kindness, towards each other tender affection; in the honor each other going before;
11 I long for to see you, that some I may impart gift to you spiritual, for the to be established you;
12 this and is, to be comforted together, among you through the in each other faith, of you and also of me.
33 Not be you led astray. Corrupt habits virtuous companionships evil.
33 Not be you led astray. Corrupt habits virtuous companionships evil.
11 Beloved ones, if thus the God loved us, also we ought each other to love. God no one at any time has seen.
12 If we love each other, the God in us abides, and the love of him having been perfected it is in us.
7 Beloved ones, we should love each other; because the love of the God is, and every one the loving, by the God has been begotten, and knows the God;
19 Honor the father and the mother; and Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself.
15 No more you I call slaves; because the slaves not knows what does of him the lord; you but I have called friends, because all things which I heard from the Father of me, I made known to you.
13 Greater of this love no one has, that any one the life of himself may lay down in behalf of the friends of himself.
13 Greater of this love no one has, that any one the life of himself may lay down in behalf of the friends of himself.
12 This is the commandment the mine, that you love each other, as I loved you.
21 And this the commandment we have from him, that the one loving the God should love also the brother of himself.