3 I give thanks to the God of me on every the remembrance of you, Phillippians
6 So that no longer they are two, but flesh one. What then the God has joined together, a man not disunites.
4 I give thanks to the God of me always concerning you, for the favor of the God for that having been given to you in Anointed Jesus;
4 The love suffers long, is gentle; the love not envies; the love not is boastful, not is puffed up,
5 not acts unbecomingly, not seeks the things of herself, not is provoked to anger, not imputes the evil,
6 not rejoices in the iniquity, rejoices with but the truth,
7 all things covers, all things believes, all things hopes, all things endures;
14 besides all and these the love, which is a bond of the completeness;