9 And these things having said, beholding of them he was lifted up; and a cloud withdrew him from the eyes of them.
2 In the house of the Father of me dwellings many are; if but not, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you;
19 The indeed then Lord, after the to have spoken to them, he was taken up into the heaven, and sat at right of the God;
12 Indeed indeed I speak to you, he believing into me, the works which I do, also he shall do, and greater of these shall he do; because I to the Father of me am going,
28 I came out from the Father, and have come into the world; again I leave the world; and am going to the Father.
10 And as fixedly gazing they were into the heaven, going away of him, and lo, men two were standing by them in raiment white,
11 they and said: Men of Galilee, why stand you looking into the heaven? this the Jesus, he being taken up from you into the heaven, thus will come, which manner you saw him going into the heaven.
17 Says to her the Jesus: Not me touch; not yet for I have gone up to the Father of me; go but to the brethren of me, and say to them: I go up to the Father of me and Father of you, even God of me and God of you.
50 He led and them out even to Bethany; and having lifted up the hands of himself, be blessed them.
51 And it happened in the to bless him them, he stood apart from them, and was carried up into the heaven.
16 A pillar and basis of the truth and confessedly great is the of the piety secret. Who was manifested in flesh, was justified in spirit, was seen by messengers, was proclaimed among nations, was believed among a world, was taken up in glory.
33 Said then the Jesus: Yet a little time with you I am, and I go to the sending me.