44 The tabernacle of the testimony was with the fathers of us in the desert, as directed he speaking to the Moses, to make her according to the form which he had seen;
45 which also brought having received by succession the fathers of us with Jesus in to the possession of the nations, which drove out the God from face of the fathers of us, till the days of David;
46 who found favor in presence of the God, and asked to find a dwelling for the God of Jacob.
47 Solomon but built for him a house.
48 But not the Most High in hand made things dwells, as the prophet says:
49 The heaven to me a throne, the and earth a footstool of the feet of me. What house will you build for me? says Lord; or what place of the dwelling of me?
50 Not the hand of me made these things all?
12 And entered the Jesus into the temple of the God, and cast out all the selling and buying in the temple, and the tables of the money changers overturned, and the seats of the selling the doves;
13 and he says to them: It is written The house of me, a house of prayer shall be called; you but it have made a den of robbers.
13 And nigh was the passover of the Jews, and went up to Jerusalem the Jesus.
14 And he found in the temple those selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the moneychangers sitting.
15 And having made a whip out of rushes, all he drove out of the temple, the and sheep and the oxen; and of the moneychangers he poured out the coin, and the tables overturned;
16 and to those the doves selling he said: Take these hence; not make you the house of the Father of me a house of merchandise.
17 Remembered and the disciples of him, that having been written it is: The zeal of the house of thee will consume me.
19 Or not know you, that the body of you a temple of the in you holy spirit is, which you have from God, and not you are of yourselves?
15 if but I should delay, that thou mayest know, know it behooves in a house of God to conduct thyself, which is a congregation of God living.
6 Anointed but, as a son over the house of him; of whom a house are we, if indeed the confidence and the boasting of the hope till end firm we should hold fast.