24 and we should bear in mind each other for an excitement of love and of good works,
25 not leaving off the assembling together of ourselves, as a custom with some, but exhorting; and by much more, by so much you see drawing near the day.
16 The same for each other minding; not the things high minding, but to the low ones conform yourselves. Not become wise with yourselves.
8 The but end, all of like mind, sympathizing ones, lovers of brethren, compassionate ones, humbleminded ones,
11 Beloved ones, if thus the God loved us, also we ought each other to love. God no one at any time has seen.
17 I entreat now you, brethren, to watch those the separations and the stumblingblocks, contrary to the teaching which you learned, are making; and turn away from them.
10 I entreat and you, brethren, through the name of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, that the same thing you speak all, and not may be among you divisions, you may be but knit together in the same mind and in the same sentiment.
1 The but weak to the faith, take to yourselves, not for differences of reasoning.
3 using diligence to keep the oneness of the spirit by the uniting bond of the peace. Ephesians
3 Widows honor, those really widows.
5 The and God of the patience and of the consolation may give to you the same to be minded among each other, according to Anointed Jesus;
32 Of the and multitude of those having believed was the heart and the soul one; and not even one any of the possessions of him said his own to be, but was to them all things common.
7 if but in the light we should walk, as he is in the light, fellowship we have with each other, and the blood of Jesus Anointed the son of him cleanses us from all sin.
42 Were and constantly attending to the teachings of the apostles, and to the distribution, and to the breaking of the loaf, and to the prayers.
5 The indeed therefore Peter was watched by the guard; prayer but was earnest was made by the congregation to the God in behalf of him.
46 Every day and constantly attending with one mind in the temple, breaking and at home bread, they were partaking of food in gladness and singleness of heart,
47 praising the God, and having favor with whole the people. The and Lord was adding those being saved everyday to the congregation.
4 Just as for in one body members many we have, the but members all not the same has operation;
5 thus the many one body we are in Anointed, the but each one, of each other members.
13 Even for in one spirit we all into one body were dipped; whether Jews, or Greeks, whether slaves, or freeman; and all into one spirit were made to drink.
20 Indeed indeed I say to you: He receiving if any one I may send, me receives; he and me receiving, receives him having sent me.
28 Not there is a Jew, nor a Greek; not there is a slave, nor a freeman; not there is male and female; all for you one are in Anointed Jesus;
29 if but you of Anointed, certainly of the Abraham seed you are, and according to promise heirs.
14 besides all and these the love, which is a bond of the completeness;
20 Where for are two or three having come together in the my name, there i am in the midst of them.
14 These all were being constantly engaged with one mind in the prayer, with women, and Mary the mother of the Jesus, and with the brothers of him.