24 Now I rejoice in the sufferings on behalf of you, and I fill up the wants of the afflictions of the Anointed one in the flesh of me on behalf of the body of him, which is the congregation;
12 Just as for the body one is, and members has many, all but the members of the body of the one, many being, one is body; thus also the Anointed.
18 and he is the head of the body, of the congregation; who is a beginning, firstborn out of the dead ones, so that he might become among all himself preeminent;
15 and the peace of the Anointed one let preside in the hearts of you, for which also you were called in one body; and thankful ones become you.
27 You but are a body of Anointed, and members from parts.
15 Not know you, that the bodies of you members of Anointed is? having taken away then the members of the Anointed, shall I make of an harlots members? not let it be.
16 from whom all the body, (being fitly joined together and being compacted by means of every joint of the supply according to inworking,) by a measure of one of each part the growth of the body makes, for a building up of itself in love.
4 Just as for in one body members many we have, the but members all not the same has operation;
5 thus the many one body we are in Anointed, the but each one, of each other members.
4 One body and one spirit, even as also you were called in one hope of the calling of you;
29 no one for ever the of himself flesh hated, but nourishes and cherishes her; as even the Anointed the congregation;
30 because members we are of the body of him, out of the flesh of him, and out of the bones of him.