12 As many as but received him, he gave to them authority children of God to become, to those believing into the name of him;
19 The for earnest desire of the creation the revelation of the sons of the God looks for.
1 In that the hour came the disciples to the Jesus, saying: Who then greater is in the kingdom of the heaven?
2 And having called the Jesus a little child placed it in midst of them,
3 and said: Indeed I say to you, if not you be changed and become as the little children, not not you may enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
4 Whoever therefore may humble himself as the little child this, he is the greater in the kingdom of the heavens.
13 And they brought to him little children, that he might touch them; the but disciples rebuked those bringing.
14 Seeing but the Jesus was displeased, and said to them: Allow the little children to come to me, not hinder them; of the for such like is the kingdom of the God.
2 Beloved ones, now children of God we are, and not yet was it brought to light, what we shall be; we know but, that if he should appear, like to him we shall be; because we shall see him, as he is.
3 And every one the having the hope this in him, purifies himself, as he pure is.
52 And Jesus advanced in wisdom, and in vigor, and in favor with God and men.
14 The and Jesus said: Suffer the little children and not hinder them to come to me; of the for such like is the kingdom of the heavens.
14 The and Jesus said: Suffer the little children and not hinder them to come to me; of the for such like is the kingdom of the heavens.
26 All for sons of God you are through the faith in Anointed Jesus; Galatians
27 as many as for into Anointed were dipped, Anointed you were clothed.
2 and the things thou didst hear from me through many witnesses, these things entrust thou to faithful men, who competent shall be also others to teach.
21 The fathers, not do you provoke the children of you, so that not they may be discouraged.
3 and said: Indeed I say to you, if not you be changed and become as the little children, not not you may enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
4 Whoever therefore may humble himself as the little child this, he is the greater in the kingdom of the heavens.
5 And whoever may receive a little child such one on the name of me, me receives.
8 If but any one for those of own, and especially of the household, not provides, the faith has denied, and is an unbeliever worse.
31 They and said: Believe thou in the Lord Jesus Anointed, and shalt be saved thou and the house of thee.
21 Dear children, do you keep yourselves from the idols.
4 of the own house well presiding, children having in subjection with all dignity;
25 On that the occasion answering the Jesus said: I adore thee, O Father, O Lord the heaven and of the earth, because thou hast hid these from wise men and discerning men, and thou hast revealed them to babes.
20 The children, be you subject to the parents in all things; this for is wellpleasing in Lord.
5 and you have forgotten the exhortation, which with you as with sons reasons: O son of me, not do not slight discipline of Lord, neither be thou discouraged by him being reproved;
6 whom for loves Lord, he disciplines; he scourges and every son whom he receives.
7 If discipline you endure, as with sons with you deals the God; any for is son, whom not disciplines a father?
8 If but without you are discipline, of which partakes have become all, certainly bastards you are and not sons.
9 Then those indeed of the flesh of us fathers we have disciplinarians, and we reverenced; not by much more shall we be submissive to the Father of the spirits, and we shall live?
16 Itself the spirit testifies together with the spirit of us, that we are children of God.
10 See, not you may despise one of the littleones these; I say for to you that the messengers of them in heavens perpetually see the face of the Father of me, that in heavens.
22 The now youthful desires flee thou; pursue thou but righteousness, faith, love, peace with those calling on the Lord out of pure a heart.
4 and the fathers, not irritate you the children of you, but bring you up them in disciples and instruction of Lord.
4 and the fathers, not irritate you the children of you, but bring you up them in disciples and instruction of Lord.
11 All but discipline as to indeed that being present not seems of joy to be but of grief; afterwards but fruit peaceful to those through her having been trained it returns of righteousness.
9 Blessed the peacemakers, for they sons of God shall be called.
1 See you, what love has given to us the Father, so that children of God we should be called. On account of this the world not knows us, because not it knew him.
12 I write to you, O dear children, because are forgiven to you the sins through the name of him.
14 As many as for by spirit of God are led, these are sons of God.
1 Become you therefore imitators of the God, as children beloved;
36 And taking a little child, he placed it in midst of them, and embracing in his arms it, he said to them:
37 Whoever one of the such little children may receive in the name of me, me receives; and whoever me may receive, not me receives, but the having sent me.
15 When therefore they had breakfasted, says to the Simon Peter the Jesus: Simon of Jona, lovest thou me more of these? He says to him: Yes, O lord, thou knowest, that I dearly love thee. He says to him: Feed the lambs of me.
15 Not for you received a spirit of bondage back to fear, but you received a spirit of sonship, by which we cry: Abba, the Father.
4 Greater of these not I have joy, that I hear the my children in truth walking.
4 Greater of these not I have joy, that I hear the my children in truth walking.
1 The children, be you subject to the parents of you in Lord; this thing for is just. Ephesians
2 Honor the father of thee and the mother; (which is a commandment first, with a promise;)
3 that well with thee it may be, and thou mayest be longlived on the land; Ephesians