20 The and Jesus said to them: On account of the unbelief of you. Indeed for I say to you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard, you will say to the mountain this. Be thou removed from here there, and it will remove; and nothing will be impossible to you.
27 Looking on and to them the Jesus says: With men impossible but not with the God; all for possible is with the God.
27 He but said: The things impossible with men, possible is with the God.
24 Through this I say to you, all things whatever praying you desire, believe you that you receive, and it shall be to you.
34 Said but Mary to the messenger: How shall be this, since a man not I know?
35 And answering the messenger said to her: A spirit holy shall come upon thee, and a power of highest shall overshadow thee; therefore and the being begotten holy, shall be called a son of God.
36 And lo, Elisabeth the kinswoman of thee, even she having conceived a son in old age of her; and this month sixth is to her the being called barren.
37 For not shall be impossible with the God every word.
38 Said and Mary: Lo, the handmaid of a Lord; may it be done to me according to the word of thee. And went from her the messenger.
23 The and Jesus said to him: That, if thou art able to believe; all things are possible to the believing.
26 Looking but the Jesus said to him: With man this impossible is; with but God all possible.
23 this by the having been fixed purpose and foreknowledge of the God given up having been taken, by hands of lawless ones having affixed to you killed.
24 Whom the God raised up; having loosed the pains of the death, in as much as not was possible to be held him under it.