14 Thou but able in the things thou didst learn and wast convinced of, knowing, from whom thou didst learn,
15 and that from a babe the holy writings thou knowest, those being able thee to make wise for salvation, through faith of that in Anointed Jesus.
15 and that from a babe the holy writings thou knowest, those being able thee to make wise for salvation, through faith of that in Anointed Jesus.
14 The and Jesus said: Suffer the little children and not hinder them to come to me; of the for such like is the kingdom of the heavens.
7 If discipline you endure, as with sons with you deals the God; any for is son, whom not disciplines a father?
20 The children, be you subject to the parents in all things; this for is wellpleasing in Lord.
21 The fathers, not do you provoke the children of you, so that not they may be discouraged.
4 and the fathers, not irritate you the children of you, but bring you up them in disciples and instruction of Lord.