31 And second like, this: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself. Greater of these another commandment not is.
2 each one of us to the neighbor let please for the good to building up.
34 And having called the crowd with the disciples of himself, he said to them: Whoever wishes after me to follow, let him deny himself, and let him bear the cross of himself, and let him follow me.
24 But of no account I make, nor I the life of me valuable to myself, so that to finish the course of me with joy, and the services which I received from the Lord Jesus, to earnestly declare the glad tidings of the favor of the God.
18 No one himself let deceive; if any one seems wise to be among you in the age this, a fool let him become, so that he may become wise.
16 Where for rivalry and strife, there disorder and every foul deed.
24 No one that of himself let him seek, but that of the other.
3 nothing in strife or vainglory, but in the lowliness of mind others esteeming exceeding yourselves;
4 The love suffers long, is gentle; the love not envies; the love not is boastful, not is puffed up,
5 not acts unbecomingly, not seeks the things of herself, not is provoked to anger, not imputes the evil,
20 With Anointed I have been crucified; I live but, no longer I, lives but in me Anointed; the but now I live in flesh, by faith I live in the of that son of the God, of that having loved me and having delivered up himself in behalf of me.