7 We have but, the treasure this in earthen vessels, so that the superabounding of the power may be of the God, and not out of us;
8 in everything being afflicted, but not being straitened; being perplexed, but not being in despair;
9 being persecuted, but not being forsaken; being cast down, but not being destroyed;
10 always the putting to death of the Jesus in the body bearing about, that also the life of the Jesus in the body of us may be manifested.
11 Always for we the living, to death are delivered because of Jesus, that also the life of the Jesus may be manifested in the moral flesh of us.
15 Not for you received a spirit of bondage back to fear, but you received a spirit of sonship, by which we cry: Abba, the Father.
17 So that if any one in Anointed, new creation; the things old passed away, lo, has become new the all things.
28 And not be afraid of those killing the body, the but life not being able to kill; be afraid but rather that being able both life and body to destroy in Gehenna.
16 Wherefore not we faint; but if even the outward of us man is wasted, yet the inward is renewed by day and by day.
7 not for gave to us the God a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
28 Come to me all the toiling and being burdened, and I will cause to rest you.
27 Peace I leave to you, peace the mine I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Not let be troubled of you the heart nor let it be afraid.
27 Peace I leave to you, peace the mine I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Not let be troubled of you the heart nor let it be afraid.
11 Knowing therefore the fear of the Lord, men we persuade, to God but we have been manifested; I hope and also in the consciences of you to have been manifested.
12 Not for again ourselves do we recommend to you, but opportunity giving to you of boasting on behalf of us; that you may have for those in face boasting, and no in heart.
13 Even if for we are besides ourselves, to God; and if we are of sound mind, to you.
14 The for love of the Anointed constrains us,
15 having judged this, that if one on behalf of all died, then they all died; and on behalf of all he died, that the living no longer to themselves should live, but to him on behalf of them having died and having been raised up.
16 So that we from the now no one know according to flesh; if and even we knew according to flesh Anointed, but now no longer we know.
17 So that if any one in Anointed, new creation; the things old passed away, lo, has become new the all things.
18 The but all things out of the God, that one having reconciled us to himself through Jesus Anointed, and having given to us the service of the reconciliation.
19 Namely that God was in Anointed a world reconciling to himself, not reckoning to them the fruits of them, and having placed in us the world of the reconciliation.
20 On behalf of Anointed therefore we are ambassadors, as if the God beseeching through us; we pray on behalf of Anointed, be you reconciled to the God.
21 Him for not having known sin, on behalf of us sin was made, that we might become righteousness of God in him.
33 These things I have spoken to you, that in me peace you may have. In the world affliction you have; but be you of good courage, I have overcome the world.
33 These things I have spoken to you, that in me peace you may have. In the world affliction you have; but be you of good courage, I have overcome the world.
13 And who the one will be injuring you if of the good imitators you become?
14 But if even you suffer because of righteousness, happy ones. The but fear of them not do you fear, neither should you troubled;
2 each one of us to the neighbor let please for the good to building up.
6 in which rejoice you, a little while now (if necessary it is) having been distressed by manifold trials,
6 having been persuaded same this thing, that the one having begun in you a work good, will complete till a day of Jesus Anointed;
17 The for momentary lightness of the affliction of us, according to an exceeding on an exceeding agelasting weight of glory works out for us;
24 and we should bear in mind each other for an excitement of love and of good works,
25 not leaving off the assembling together of ourselves, as a custom with some, but exhorting; and by much more, by so much you see drawing near the day.
58 Wherefore, brethren of me beloved, steadfast be you, unmovable, abounding in the work of the Lord at all times, knowing, that the labor of you not is vain in Lord.
6 Not five sparrows are sold assarii two? and one out of them not is being forgotten in presence of the God.
7 But also the hairs of the head of you all have been numbered. Not therefore fear you; many sparrows you are better.
11 I long for to see you, that some I may impart gift to you spiritual, for the to be established you;
12 this and is, to be comforted together, among you through the in each other faith, of you and also of me.
31 When then shall we say to these things? If the God on behalf of us, who against us?
18 Fear not is in the love, but the perfect love outside casts the fear; because the fear a restraint has; the but one fearing not has been perfected in the love.
3 Worthy of praise the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, the Father of the mercies, and God of all comfort,
4 the one comforting us in all the affliction of us, in order that to be able us to comfort those in every affliction, by means of the comfort, of which we are comforted ourselves by the God;
7 all the anxious care of you having cast on him, because with him is care concerning you.
12 If for the promptness is placed first, according to what may have any one, acceptable, not according to what not he has.
17 And said to them the Jesus: Come after me, and I will make you to be fishers of men.
18 And immediately leaving the nets of them, they followed him.
5 Not a love of money the turn of mind; being satisfied with the things being present; he for has said: Not not thee may I leave, not even thee may I forsake;
6 so that being confident us to say: A Lord for me a helper, and not I will fear; what shall do to me a man?
38 Said and Mary: Lo, the handmaid of a Lord; may it be done to me according to the word of thee. And went from her the messenger.
13 all things I am strong in the one strengthening me.
11 Wherefore comfort you each other, and build you up one the other, as even you do.
11 Wherefore comfort you each other, and build you up one the other, as even you do.
13 Watch you, stand you firm in the faith, be you manly, be you strong;
13 Watch you, stand you firm in the faith, be you manly, be you strong;
10 Was and a certain disciple in Damascus by name Ananias, and said to him the Lord in a vision: Ananias. He and said: Lo I, O Lord.
5 The and God of the patience and of the consolation may give to you the same to be minded among each other, according to Anointed Jesus;