24 All therefore whoever hears of me the words these, and does them, I will compare him to a man prudent, who will built the house of him upon the rock;
4 As many things as for was fore written, for the our instruction was fore written; so that through the patience and of the consolation of the writings, the hope we might have.
16 All writing inspired of God and profitable for teaching, for proof, for correction, for turning up that in righteousness;
17 so that complete may be the of the God man, for every work good having been thoroughly fitted,
17 The well presiding elders double honor let be esteemed worthy; especially those toiling in word and teaching.
18 Says for the writing: An ox trending not thou shalt muzzle; and, worthy the laborer of the hire of himself.
16 The word of the Anointed let dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching, and admonishing each other in psalms and in hymns and in songs spiritual, with favor singing in the hearts of you to the God;
14 Now and of the feast being half out, went up the Jesus into the temple, and taught.
15 And wondered the Jews, saying: How this letters knows, not having learned?
16 Answered them the Jesus and said: The my teaching not is mine, but of the sending me.
17 If any one may wish the will of him to do, he shall know concerning the teaching, whether from the God it is, or I from myself speak.
18 He from himself speaking, the glory the own seeks; he but seeking the glory of the sending him, this true is, and unrighteousness in him not is.
9 Every one the transgressing, and not abiding in the teaching of the Anointed, God not has; the one abiding in the teaching of the Anointed, this both the Father and the son has.
16 The but profane empty sounds do thou avoid; to more for they will proceed impiety,
17 and the word of them as a mortifying sore pasture will have; of whom is Hymenius and Philetus,