9 Not is slow the Lord of the promise, as some slowness account; but is longsuffering towards us not desiring some to perish, but all for a reformation to come.
22 The lives of you having been purified in the obedience of the truth through spirit to brotherly kindness unfeigned, out of a pure heart each other love you intensely;
23 having been begotten again not from seed corruptible, but incorruptible, through word living of God and remaining.
24 Because all flesh like grass, and all glory of her like a flower of grass; withered the grass and the flower of it fell off;
25 the but word of Lord abides to the age; this now is the word that having been announced to you.
1 Then will be compared the kingdom of the heavens ten virgins, who having taken the lamps of them, went out to a meeting of the bridegroom.
2 Five and were of them prudent, and five foolish.
3 Who foolish, having taken the lamps of them, not took with themselves oil.
4 The but prudent took oil in the vessels of them with the lamps of them.
5 Delaying and the bridegroom, nodded all, and did sleep.
6 Of middle and night a cry was raised; Lo, the bridegroom comes; go out to a meeting of him.
7 Then arose all the virgins those, and put in order the lamps of them.
8 The but foolish to the prudent said: Give to us out of the oil of you, because the lamps of us are extinguished.
9 Answered but the prudent, saying: Lest not it might suffice to us and to you; go you rather to the selling, and buy to yourselves.
10 Going away and of them to buy, came the bridegroom; and the prepared ones entered with him into the nuptialfeasts; and was closed the door.
11 Afterwards and came also the remaining virgins, saying: O lord, O lord, open to us.
12 The but answering said: Indeed I say to you, not know you.
13 Watch you therefore, because not you know the day, nor the hour.
7 Be you patient then, brethren, till the presence of the Lord. Lo, the husbandmen expects the precious fruit of the earth, having patience for it till he may receive rain early and latter;
8 be patient also you, establish the hearts of you, because the presence of the Lord has approached.
11 Lo, we call happy those patiently enduring; the patience of Job you heard, and the end of Lord you saw, because very compassionate is the Lord and merciful.
11 with all strength being strengthened according to the power of the glory of him, for all patience and endurance with joy;
3 Not alone and, but also we boast in the afflictions, knowing that the affliction endurance works out,
4 the and endurance approbation, the and approbation hope,