9 and he said to me: Is enough for thee the favor of me; the for power of me in weakness is perfected. Most gladly therefore rather I will boast in the weaknesses of me, so that may dwell upon me the power of the Anointed.
7 all the anxious care of you having cast on him, because with him is care concerning you.
10 Wherefore I am wellpleased with weaknesses, with insults, with necessities, with persecutions, with distresses on behalf of Anointed; when for I may be weak, then strong I am.
13 all things I am strong in the one strengthening me.
28 Come to me all the toiling and being burdened, and I will cause to rest you.
15 Not for we have a highpriest not being able to suffer with the weaknesses of us, having been tempted but in all things according to a likeness, apart from sin.
7 not for gave to us the God a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
41 Watch you and pray you, that not you enter into temptations; and indeed spirit ready, the but flesh weak.
26 In like manner and also the spirit helps the weaknesses of us; the for what we should pray as it behooves, not we know, but itself the spirit intercedes on behalf of us with groans unspoken.