2 Many for we stumble all; if any one in word not stumbles, this a perfect man, able to bridle and whole the body.
24 Till now not you asked nothing in the name of me; ask you, and you shall receive, so that the joy of you may be completed.
27 Religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father, this is, to oversee orphans and widows in the affliction of them, unspotted himself to keep from the world.
17 Every gift good, and every gift perfect, from above is coming down from of the Father of the lights, with whom not one change, or of turning a shade;
10 I entreat and you, brethren, through the name of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, that the same thing you speak all, and not may be among you divisions, you may be but knit together in the same mind and in the same sentiment.
14 besides all and these the love, which is a bond of the completeness;
2 and not conform yourselves to take age this, but transform yourselves by the renovation of the mind of you, in order that to prove you, what the will of the God, the good and wellpleasing and perfect.
9 and having been perfected he became to those obeying him to all a cause of salvation agelasting,
15 See you, no one evil in place of evil to any one should render; but always the good pursue you both towards each other and towards all.
21 Said to him the Jesus: If thou wishest perfect to be, go, sell of thee the possessions, and give to poor; and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and hither, follow me.
11 These things I have spoken to you, that the joy the mine in you may abide, and the joy of you may be fulfilled.
1 If any therefore comfort in Anointed, if any soothing of love, if any fellowship of spirit, if any bowels and compassions;
2 fulfil you of me the joy, so that the same thing you may think, the same love having, united ones in soul, the one thing minding;
3 nothing in strife or vainglory, but in the lowliness of mind others esteeming exceeding yourselves;
4 not the things of yourselves each one regarding, but also the things of others everyone.
5 This for be desired by you which also in Anointed Jesus,
6 who in a form of God being, not a usurpation meditated the to be like to God, Phillippians
7 but himself emptied, a form of a slave having taken, in a likeness of men having been formed,
8 and in condition being found as a man; humbled himself, having become obedient till death, of a death even of a cross.
9 Therefore also the God him supremely exalted, and freely granted to him a name that above every name;
10 so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of heavenlies and of earthlies and of underground ones,
11 and every tongue should confess, that a Lord Jesus Anointed, for glory of God a Father.
12 So that, beloved ones of me, as always you obeyed, not as in the presence of me only, but now much more in the absence of me, with fear and trembling the of yourselves salvation work you out;
13 the God for it is the one working in you both the to will and the to work, on account of the goodpleasure.
14 All things do you without murmurings and disputings;
15 that you may be blameless ones and harmless ones, children of God irreproachable in midst of a generation perverse and having been misguided; to which you appear as luminaries in world,
16 a word of life holding out; for a boast to me in a day of Anointed, that not in vain I ran, nor in vain I toiled.
17 But if even I am poured out on the sacrifice and public service of the faith of you, I am glad and I rejoice with all you;
18 the and same also you be you glad, and rejoice you with me.
19 I hope but in Lord Jesus, Timothy shortly to send to you, that also I may be animated having ascertained the things concerning you.
20 No one for I have likesouled, who really the things concerning you will care; Phillippians
21 the all for the things of themselves are seeking, not the things of Jesus Anointed. Phillippians
22 The but proof of him you know, that, as with a father a child, with me be served for the glad tidings.
23 Him indeed therefore I hope to send, as I would view attentively the things concerning me, immediately;
24 having confidence and in Lord, that even myself shortly will come. Phillippians
25 Necessary but I esteemed, Epaphroditus the brother and fellowworker and fellowsoldier of me, of you but an apostle, and publicservant of the want of me, to have sent to you;
26 since longing after he was all you, and being depressed, because you heard that he was sick.
27 Indeed for he was sick near to death; but the God him pitied not him and only, but also me, so that not sorrow on sorrow I should have.
28 More speedily therefore I sent him, that seeing him again, you may rejoice, and I less sorrowful may be.
29 Receive you therefore him in Lord with all joy, and the such like ones in honor hold you;
30 because on account of the work of the Anointed even to death he was near, having risked the life, so that he might fill up the of you deficiency of towards me public service.