27 Peace I leave to you, peace the mine I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Not let be troubled of you the heart nor let it be afraid.
27 Peace I leave to you, peace the mine I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Not let be troubled of you the heart nor let it be afraid.
6 nothing be you overcareful, but in everything by the prayer and by the supplication with thanksgiving the requests of you let be made known to the God;
7 and the peace of the God that surpassing all conception, will guard the hearts of you and the minds of you in Anointed Jesus.
6 nothing be you overcareful, but in everything by the prayer and by the supplication with thanksgiving the requests of you let be made known to the God;
7 and the peace of the God that surpassing all conception, will guard the hearts of you and the minds of you in Anointed Jesus.
7 all the anxious care of you having cast on him, because with him is care concerning you.
1 Not let be troubled of you the heart; believe you into the God, and into me believe you.
32 Not fear, the little flock; for it has pleased the Father of you to give to you the kingdom.
28 And not be afraid of those killing the body, the but life not being able to kill; be afraid but rather that being able both life and body to destroy in Gehenna.
29 Not two sparrows an assarius are sold? and one of them not shall fall upon the earth without the Father of you.
30 Of you and even the hairs of the head all being numbered are.
31 Not therefore fear you; many sparrows are better you.
18 Fear not is in the love, but the perfect love outside casts the fear; because the fear a restraint has; the but one fearing not has been perfected in the love.
18 Fear not is in the love, but the perfect love outside casts the fear; because the fear a restraint has; the but one fearing not has been perfected in the love.
18 Fear not is in the love, but the perfect love outside casts the fear; because the fear a restraint has; the but one fearing not has been perfected in the love.
38 And was he in the stern, on the pillow sleeping; and they awoke him, and they said to him: O teacher, not it concerns thee, that we perish?
39 And having arisen he rebuked the wind, and said to the sea: Be silent, be still. And ceased the wind, and was a calm great.
40 And he said to them: Why timid are you so? how not you have faith?
6 so that being confident us to say: A Lord for me a helper, and not I will fear; what shall do to me a man?
6 so that being confident us to say: A Lord for me a helper, and not I will fear; what shall do to me a man?
15 Not for you received a spirit of bondage back to fear, but you received a spirit of sonship, by which we cry: Abba, the Father.
15 Not for you received a spirit of bondage back to fear, but you received a spirit of sonship, by which we cry: Abba, the Father.
15 Not for you received a spirit of bondage back to fear, but you received a spirit of sonship, by which we cry: Abba, the Father.
3 The for rulers not are a terror of the good works, but of the evil ones. Wishest thou and not to fear the authority? the good do thou; and thou wilt have praise from her;
7 not for gave to us the God a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
7 not for gave to us the God a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
14 Since then the children have been sharers of flesh and blood, also he in like manner partook of the of them, so that by means of the death he might make powerless him the strength having of the death, that is the accuser,
15 and might set free them as many as by fear of death through all of the life held in were slavery.
5 Not a love of money the turn of mind; being satisfied with the things being present; he for has said: Not not thee may I leave, not even thee may I forsake;
6 so that being confident us to say: A Lord for me a helper, and not I will fear; what shall do to me a man?
14 But if even you suffer because of righteousness, happy ones. The but fear of them not do you fear, neither should you troubled;
30 And said the messenger to her: Not fear, Mary; thou hast found for favor with the God.
31 And lo, thou shalt conceive in womb, and shalt bear a son, and thou shalt call the name of him Jesus.
49 They but, seeing him walking on the sea, they thought a phantom to be, and they cried out.
50 All for him saw, and were terrified. And immediately he spoke with them, and says to them: Take courage; I am, not be afraid.