28 And not be afraid of those killing the body, the but life not being able to kill; be afraid but rather that being able both life and body to destroy in Gehenna.
13 Not we wish but you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those having fallen asleep, so that not you may grieve, as even the others those not having a hope.
14 If for we believe, that Jesus died and arose, so and the God those having slept through the Jesus will lead out with him.
16 Thus for loved the God the world, so that the son of himself the onlybegotten he gave, that every one who believing into him, not may be destroyed, but may have life agelasting.
6 Blessed and holy the one having a portion in the resurrection the first; over such ones the second death not has authority, but they shall be priests of the God and of the Anointed one, and they shall reign with him a thousand years.
21 For me therefore the to live, Anointed, and the to die, gain.
22 As for in the Adam all die, so also in the Anointed all will be made alive.
3 And I heard a voice great out of the heaven, saying: Lo, the tabernacle of the God with the men, and will tabernacle with them, and they a people of him shall be, and himself the God with them will be, a God of them;
4 and he will wipe away every tear from the eyes of them, and the death not shall be longer; neither mourning nor crying nor pain not shall be longer; because the first things passed away.
17 If for by the of the one fail the death reigned through the one, by much more those the abundance of the favor and of the gift of the righteousness having received, in life shall reign through one Jesus Anointed.
55 Where of thee, O death, the sting? where of thee, O unseen, the victory?
56 The but sting of the death, the sin; the and power of the sin, the law.
57 To the but God thanks, to the one having given to us, the victory through the Lord of us Jesus Anointed.
8 If both for we live, to the Lord we live; if and we die, to the Lord we die. If both therefore we live, if and we die, of the Lord we are.
27 And as it awaits the men once to die, after but this a judgment;
11 True the word; if for we died with, also we shall live with;
46 And crying with a voice loud the Jesus, said: O Father, into hands of thee I commit the breath of me. And these having said, he breathed out.
7 Scarcely for in behalf of a just person any one will die; in behalf of though the good possibly some one even might dare to die;
8 recommends but the of himself love to us the God, because, still sinners being of us, Anointed one in behalf of us died.
23 The for wages of the sin, death; the but gracious gift of the God, life agelasting in an Anointed Jesus the Lord of us.
26 Last enemy is rendered powerless the death;
21 Since for through a man the death, also through a man a resurrection of dead ones.
25 Said to her the Jesus: I am the resurrection and the life; he believing into me, even if he may die, he shall live;
26 and all the living and believing into me, not not may die into the age. Believest thou this?
25 Said to her the Jesus: I am the resurrection and the life; he believing into me, even if he may die, he shall live;
26 and all the living and believing into me, not not may die into the age. Believest thou this?
27 As I said to you, the sheep the mine the voice of me hears, and I know them, and they follow me;
28 and I life agelasting give to them, and not not they will perish into the age, and not will wrest any one them out of the hand of me.
4 and he will wipe away every tear from the eyes of them, and the death not shall be longer; neither mourning nor crying nor pain not shall be longer; because the first things passed away.
20 Of us for the commonwealth in heavens begins, out of which also a savior we look for Lord Jesus Anointed,
21 who will transform the body of the humiliation of us of like form with the body of the glory of him, according to the operation of the to be able him even to place under himself the things all.
23 I am hard pressed but by the two, the earnest desire having for the to be loosed again, and with Anointed to be; much for more better;
24 the but to remain in the flesh, more necessary on account of you. Phillippians
15 then the inordinate desire having conceived brings forth sin; the but sin having been perfected brings forth death.
23 And in the unseen having lifted the eyes of himself, being in torment, sees the Abraham from a distance, and Lazarus in the bosoms of him.
24 And he crying out said: O father Abraham, do thou pity me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of the finger of himself of water, and may cool the tongue of me; for I am in pain in the flame this.
16 Because himself the lord with a command, with a voice of a chief messenger, and with a trumpet of God will come down from heaven, and the dead ones in Anointed will be raised first;
17 afterwards we the living ones those being left over at the same time with them shall be caught away in clouds for a meeting of the Lord into air; and so always with Lord shall we be.
25 Whoever for may wish the life of him to save, shall lose her; whoever and may lose the life of him on account of me, shall find her.
38 I am persuaded for, that neither death nor life, nor messengers, nor principalities, nor things being present, nor things being about to come, nor powers,
39 nor height, nor depth, nor any creation other will be able us to separate from the love of the God, of that in Anointed Jesus the Lord of us.