6 nothing be you overcareful, but in everything by the prayer and by the supplication with thanksgiving the requests of you let be made known to the God;
7 and the peace of the God that surpassing all conception, will guard the hearts of you and the minds of you in Anointed Jesus.
16 Wherefore not we faint; but if even the outward of us man is wasted, yet the inward is renewed by day and by day.
17 The for momentary lightness of the affliction of us, according to an exceeding on an exceeding agelasting weight of glory works out for us;
18 not looking of us the things being seen, but the things not being seen; the things for being seen, transient things; the things but being seen, agelasting things.
1 I entreat therefore you, brethren, through the tender compassion of the God, to present the bodies of you a sacrifice living, holy, wellpleasing to the God, the rational religious service of you;
2 and not conform yourselves to take age this, but transform yourselves by the renovation of the mind of you, in order that to prove you, what the will of the God, the good and wellpleasing and perfect.
17 So that if any one in Anointed, new creation; the things old passed away, lo, has become new the all things.
13 You are the salt of the earth. If but the salt become tasteless, with what shall it be salted? for nothing is it of service any more, except to be cast out, and trodden under foot by the men.
15 Be thou diligent thyself approved to present to the God, a workman unashamed, cutting straight the word of the truth.
9 If we confess the the sins of us, faithful he is and just so that he may forgive to us the sins, and he may cleanse us from all righteousness.
29 Every word rotten out of the mouth of you not let go forth, but, if anything good for a building up of the use, that it may give benefit to those hearing;
20 With Anointed I have been crucified; I live but, no longer I, lives but in me Anointed; the but now I live in flesh, by faith I live in the of that son of the God, of that having loved me and having delivered up himself in behalf of me.