14 Glory in highest heavens to God, and on earth peace; among men good will.
20 And returned the shepherds glorifying and praising the God for all which they had heard and seen, even it had been told to them.
6 It happened but in the to be them there, were fulfilled the days of the to bear her.
7 And she brought forth the son of her the firstborn, and swathed him, and laid him in the manger; because not was to them a place in the guestchamber.
11 that was born to you today a savior, who is Anointed, Lord, in a city of David.
21 she shall bear and a son, and thou shalt call the name of him Jesus; he for shall save the people of him from the sins of them;
20 These but of him thinking on, lo a messenger of a Lord in a dream appeared to him, saying: Joseph, son of David, not thou shouldst fear to take Mary the wife of thee; that for in her being found, by a spirit is holy;
10 And said to them the messenger: Not fear you; lo for, I bring glad tidings to you a joy great, which shall be to all the people;
4 Went up and also Joseph from the Galilee, out of city Nazareth, into the Judea, into a city of David, which is called Bethleem, (because the to be him of house and family of David,)
5 to be registered with Mary the having been espoused to him a wife, being with child.
22 (This and all was done, so that might be fulfilled the word spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying:
23 Lo, the virgin in womb shall have, and shall bear a son, and they shall call the name of him Emmanuel; which is being translated, with us a God.)