57 As sent me the living Father, and I live through the Father; also he eating me, even he shall live through me.
58 This is the bread, that from the heaven having come down; not as ate the fathers of you, and died; he eating this the bread, shall live into the age.
3 And said to him the accuser: If a son thou art of the God, say to the stone this, that it may become a loaf.
4 And answered Jesus to him, saying: It is written: That not on bread alone shall live the man, but on every word of God.
35 Said but to them the Jesus: I am the bread of the life; he coming to me, not not may hunger; and he believing into me, not not may thirst ever.
51 I am the bread that living, that from the heaven having come down; if any one may eat of this the bread, he shall live into the age. And the bread also, which I will give, the flesh of me is, which I will give in behalf of the world life.
4 He but answering said: It is written: Not by bread alone shall live a man; but by every word proceeding from mouth of God.
29 And you not seek, what you may eat or what you may drink; and not be you in anxiety.
30 These for all the nations of the world seeks; of you and the Father knows, that you have need of these.
31 But seek you the kingdom of the God, and these all shall be superadded to you.
25 For this I say to you: Not be over careful the life of you, what you may eat, and what you may drink; nor to the body of you, what you may put on. Not the life more is the food, and the body the clothing?
31 In and the meantime were asking him the disciples saying: Rabbi, eat.
32 He but said to them: I food have to eat, which you not know.
33 Said then the disciples to each other: Not any one brought to him food?
34 Says to them the Jesus: My food is, that I may do the will of the sending me, and may finish of him the work.