17 Unceasingly pray you;
17 Unceasingly pray you;
7 Ask, and it shall be given to you; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.
8 All for the asking receives; and the seeking finds; and to the knocking it shall be opened.
8 draw you near to the God, and he will draw near to you; cleanse you hands, sinners, and purify you hearts, twosouled ones.
22 And all, whatever you shall ask in the prayer, believing you shall receive.
22 And all, whatever you shall ask in the prayer, believing you shall receive.
14 And this is the boldness which we have towards him, that if anything we may ask according to the will of him, he hears us;
2 He said and to them: When you pray, say: O Father, be hallowed the name of thee; let come of thee the kingdom;
3 the bread of us the necessary give thou to us the every day;
4 And for give to us the sins of us, even for ourselves forgive all owing us; and not thou mayest lead us into temptation.
5 If but any one of you is destitute of wisdom, let him ask from of the one giving of God to all liberality, and not censuring; and it will be given to him.
6 Let him ask but in faith, not hesitating; the for one hesitating is like to a wave of sea being windagitated and being tossed.
7 Not for let think the man that, that he shall receive anything from the Lord.
8 A man of doublesoul, unstable in all the ways of himself.
7 If you abide in me and the words of me in you may abide, whatever you may wish you shall ask, and it shall be for you.
7 Ask, and it shall be given to you; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.
13 and what any thing you may ask in the name of me, this I will do; that may be glorified the Father in the son.
14 If any thing you may ask in the name of me, I will do.
13 and what any thing you may ask in the name of me, this I will do; that may be glorified the Father in the son.
14 If any thing you may ask in the name of me, I will do.
9 And I to you say: Ask you, and it shall be given to you; seek you, and you shall find; knock you, and it shall be opened to you.
10 All for the asking receives; and the seeking finds; and to the knocking it shall be opened.
26 In like manner and also the spirit helps the weaknesses of us; the for what we should pray as it behooves, not we know, but itself the spirit intercedes on behalf of us with groans unspoken.
27 He but searching the hearts, knows what the mind of the spirit, because according to God it intercedes on behalf of holy ones.
26 In like manner and also the spirit helps the weaknesses of us; the for what we should pray as it behooves, not we know, but itself the spirit intercedes on behalf of us with groans unspoken.
27 He but searching the hearts, knows what the mind of the spirit, because according to God it intercedes on behalf of holy ones.
27 But to you I say to those hearing: Love you the enemies of you; good do you to those hating you;
28 bless you those cursing you; pray you for those traducing you.
31 Said and the Lord: Simon, Simon, lo, the adversary has asked for you, the to sift as the wheat.
32 I but prayed for thee, that not may fail the faith of thee. And thou when having been turned, strengthen the brethren of thee.
6 Without but faith impossible to have pleased; to believe for it is necessary the one coming near to the God, because he is, and to those seeking him a rewarder he becomes.
9 In this way then pray you: Father with us, who in the heavens, reverenced the name of thee;
10 let come the kingdom of thee; let be done the will of thee, as in heaven, also on the earth;
11 the bread of us the sufficient give thou to us today;
12 and discharge to us the debts of us, as even we discharge to the debtors of us
13 and not bring us into temptation, but save us from the evil.
7 Praying but not babble, like the Gentiles; they imagine for that in the wordiness of them they shall be heard.
2 You strongly desire, and not you have; you murder and are zealous, and not you are able to obtain; you fight and you war, not you have, because the not to ask you;
2 To the prayer attend you constantly, watching in it, with thankfulness; Colossians
6 nothing be you overcareful, but in everything by the prayer and by the supplication with thanksgiving the requests of you let be made known to the God;
7 and the peace of the God that surpassing all conception, will guard the hearts of you and the minds of you in Anointed Jesus.
16 We should come therefore with confidence to the throne of the favor, so that we may receive mercy, and favor we may find for seasonable help.
16 We should come therefore with confidence to the throne of the favor, so that we may receive mercy, and favor we may find for seasonable help.
16 We should come therefore with confidence to the throne of the favor, so that we may receive mercy, and favor we may find for seasonable help.
16 Confess you to each other the faults, and pray you on behalf of each other, so that you may be healed; greatly prevails a prayer of a just being operative.
16 Confess you to each other the faults, and pray you on behalf of each other, so that you may be healed; greatly prevails a prayer of a just being operative.
25 At and the midnight Paul and Silas praying sang a hymn to the God; listened to and them the prisoners.
20 Where for are two or three having come together in the my name, there i am in the midst of them.
6 Let him ask but in faith, not hesitating; the for one hesitating is like to a wave of sea being windagitated and being tossed.
13 and what any thing you may ask in the name of me, this I will do; that may be glorified the Father in the son.
20 To the now one being powerful above all to have done far exceeding what things we ask or we think, according to the power that operating in us,
20 To the now one being powerful above all to have done far exceeding what things we ask or we think, according to the power that operating in us,
11 If then you, bad ones being, know gifts good to give to the children of you, how much more the Father of you, that in the heavens, give good to those asking him?
39 And going forward a little, he fell on face of him, praying, and saying: O Father of me, if possible it is, let pass from me the cup this; but not as I will, but as thou.
7 Praying but not babble, like the Gentiles; they imagine for that in the wordiness of them they shall be heard.
8 Not therefore you may be like to them; knows for the Father of you, of what things need you have, before of the you ask him.
18 by means of every prayer and supplication praying in every season in spirit; and for it this watching with all perseverance and supplication for all of the holy ones,
18 by means of every prayer and supplication praying in every season in spirit; and for it this watching with all perseverance and supplication for all of the holy ones,
12 in the hope rejoicing; in the affliction being patient; in the prayer constantly attending;
6 nothing be you overcareful, but in everything by the prayer and by the supplication with thanksgiving the requests of you let be made known to the God;
14 And this is the boldness which we have towards him, that if anything we may ask according to the will of him, he hears us;
15 and if we know, that he hears us, whatever we may ask, we know, that we have the petitions which we have asked from him.
6 Thou but, when thou prayest, enter into the retired place of thee, and locking the door of thee, pray thou to the Father of thee, to the in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret place, will give to thee in the clearlight.
7 Praying but not babble, like the Gentiles; they imagine for that in the wordiness of them they shall be heard.
19 The and God of me will fill up every want of you according to the wealth of himself in glory, in Anointed Jesus.
18 Indeed i say to you, whatever you may bind on the earth, shall be having been bound in the heaven; and whatever you may loose on the earth, shall be having been loosed in the heaven.
24 Till now not you asked nothing in the name of me; ask you, and you shall receive, so that the joy of you may be completed.
5 And when thou prayest, not thou shalt be like the hypocrites; for they love in the synagogues and Matthew in the corners of the wide places standing to pray, that they may appear to the men. Indeed I say to you, that they have in full the reward of them.
20 against and the promise of the God not he disputed in the unbelief, but was made strong in the faith, giving glory to the God,
21 and having been fully assured, that what has been promised, able he is also to do.
21 This but the kind not goes out, if not in prayer and fasting.
22 and whatever we may ask, we receive from him, because the commandments of him we keep, and the things pleasing in presence of him we do.
24 Through this I say to you, all things whatever praying you desire, believe you that you receive, and it shall be to you.
24 Through this I say to you, all things whatever praying you desire, believe you that you receive, and it shall be to you.
24 Through this I say to you, all things whatever praying you desire, believe you that you receive, and it shall be to you.
6 Let him ask but in faith, not hesitating; the for one hesitating is like to a wave of sea being windagitated and being tossed.
7 Not for let think the man that, that he shall receive anything from the Lord.
8 I direct therefore to pray the men in every place, lifting up holy hands without wrath and disputing.
8 I direct therefore to pray the men in every place, lifting up holy hands without wrath and disputing.
16 Not you me did choose, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you might go and fruit might bear, and the fruit of you might abide; so that whatever you may ask the Father in the name of me, he may give to you.
15 and if we know, that he hears us, whatever we may ask, we know, that we have the petitions which we have asked from him.
1 He spoke and also a parable to them, in order that ought always to pray, and not to be weary,
2 saying: A judge certain was in a certain city, the God not fearing, and man not regarding.
3 A widow and was in the city that; and she went to him, saying: Do justice me from the opponent of me.
4 And not he would for a time. Afterwards but these he said in himself: If even the God not I fear, and man not I regard;
5 through the to render to me trouble the window this, I will do justice her; that not to end coming she should pester me.
6 Said and the Lord: Hear you, what the judge the unjust says.
7 The and God not not will do the justice for the chosen ones of himself those crying to him day and night, and bearing long towards them?
8 I say to you, that he will do the justice for them in an instant. But the son of the man coming indeed will he find the faith on the earth?
7 All things but the end has approached; be you of same mind therefore, and be you vigilant in the prayers.
16 Always rejoice you.
17 Unceasingly pray you;
18 in every thing give you thanks; this for will of God in Anointed Jesus concerning you.
14 These all were being constantly engaged with one mind in the prayer, with women, and Mary the mother of the Jesus, and with the brothers of him.
8 Concerning this thrice the Lord I entreated, that it might be removed from me;
9 and he said to me: Is enough for thee the favor of me; the for power of me in weakness is perfected. Most gladly therefore rather I will boast in the weaknesses of me, so that may dwell upon me the power of the Anointed.
6 Thou but, when thou prayest, enter into the retired place of thee, and locking the door of thee, pray thou to the Father of thee, to the in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret place, will give to thee in the clearlight.
25 hence and to save for the completely is able those drawing near through him to the God, always living, in order to the interpose in behalf of them.