13 He but holding out the end, the same shall be saved.
4 The love suffers long, is gentle; the love not envies; the love not is boastful, not is puffed up,
5 not acts unbecomingly, not seeks the things of herself, not is provoked to anger, not imputes the evil,
16 but through this I received mercy, that in me first might show forth Jesus Anointed the all forbearance, for an example of those being about to believe on him for life agelasting;
2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience; bearing with each other in love, Ephesians
9 The but good doing not we should reap; in a season for its own we shall reap, not fainting.
8 One but this not let escape you, beloved ones, that one day with Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day one.
2 publish thou the word, be thou urgent seasonably unseasonably, confute thou, rebuke thou, exhort thou with all long suffering and teaching.
5 The and God of the patience and of the consolation may give to you the same to be minded among each other, according to Anointed Jesus;
12 in the hope rejoicing; in the affliction being patient; in the prayer constantly attending;
9 Not is slow the Lord of the promise, as some slowness account; but is longsuffering towards us not desiring some to perish, but all for a reformation to come.
12 Be you clothed therefore, as chosen ones of God holy ones and beloved ones, bowels of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patient endurance;
42 Watch you therefore, because not you know, in what hour the lord of you comes.
25 If but what not we see, we hope, with patience we wait.
11 I come speedily; hold thou fast what thou hast, so that no one may have taken the crown of thee.