13 all things I am strong in the one strengthening me.
9 and he said to me: Is enough for thee the favor of me; the for power of me in weakness is perfected. Most gladly therefore rather I will boast in the weaknesses of me, so that may dwell upon me the power of the Anointed.
15 she will be preserved but through the childbearing, if they abide in faith and love and holiness with sobriety of mind.
45 And happy she having believed, that shall be a fulfillment to those having been told to her from a Lord.
13 A temptation you not has taken if not being belonging to man; faithful but the God, who not will permit you to be tempted above what you are able, but will make you with the temptation also the way out, that you may be able to bear up under.
21 The woman when she may bear, sorrow has, because has come the hour of her; when but she may have borne the child, no more she remembers of the distress, on account of the joy, that was born a man into the world.
9 The but good doing not we should reap; in a season for its own we shall reap, not fainting.
11 In faith also herself Sarah power for a laying down of seed received, even beyond a proper time of life, since faithful she regarded the one promising.