19 to have known even the surpassing of the knowledge love of the Anointed; that you may be filled up to all the fulness of the God.
20 this first knowing, that all prophecy of a writing, of its own loosing not it is.
21 Not for by will of man was brought at any time prophecy, but by spirit holy being moved spoke holy of God men.
23 having been begotten again not from seed corruptible, but incorruptible, through word living of God and remaining.
24 Because all flesh like grass, and all glory of her like a flower of grass; withered the grass and the flower of it fell off;
25 the but word of Lord abides to the age; this now is the word that having been announced to you.
3 This for good and acceptable in presence of the preserver of us God,
4 who all men wishes to be saved, and into in exact knowledge of truth to come.
18 Indeed for I say to you, till pass away the heaven and the earth, iota one or one fine point in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
1 In many parts and in many ways long ago the God having spoken to the fathers by the prophets, in last of the days of these spoke to us by a son,
2 whom he appointed an heir of all things, (on account of whom also the ages he made,)
3 who (being an effulgence of the glory and an exact impress of the substance of him, sustaining and the things all by the word of the power of himself,) through himself a purification have made of the sins of us, sat down at right of the majesty in high places;
4 As many things as for was fore written, for the our instruction was fore written; so that through the patience and of the consolation of the writings, the hope we might have.
8 But what says it? Near thee the word is, in the mouth of thee, and in the heart of thee; this is, the word of the faith which we publish;
14 And the Word flesh became, and tabernacled among us, (and we beheld the glory of him, a glory as of an onlybegotten from a father,) full of favor and truth.
24 Because all flesh like grass, and all glory of her like a flower of grass; withered the grass and the flower of it fell off;
25 the but word of Lord abides to the age; this now is the word that having been announced to you.
35 The heaven and the earth shall pass away; the but words of me not not may pass away.
17 (Then the faith from hearing; the and hearing through a word of God.)
18 But I say: Not not they heard? Yes indeed into all the earth went out the sound of them, and into the ends of the inhabited earth the words of them.