18 Flee you the fornication. All sins which if may do a man, outside of the body is; he but committing fornication against the own body sins.
19 Or not know you, that the body of you a temple of the in you holy spirit is, which you have from God, and not you are of yourselves?
20 You were brought for a price; glorify you therefore the God in the body of you.
9 if but not they possess selfcontrol, let him marry; better for it is to have married, than to be inflamed.
4 Honorable the marriage among all, and the bed undefiled; fornicators but and adulterers will judge the God.
3 This for is will of the God, the sanctification of you; to abstain you from the fornication;
4 to have known each one of you the of himself vessel to possess in satisfaction and honor,
5 not in passion of inordinate desire, as even the Gentiles those not knowing the God;
3 To the wife the husband the debt let render; in like manner and also the wife to the husband.
4 The wife of the own body not controls, but the husband; in like manner and also the husband the own body not controls, but the wife.
13 As in day, decently we should walk, not in revelings and in drinkings, not in whoredoms and in debaucheries, not in strife and envyings;
15 Not know you, that the bodies of you members of Anointed is? having taken away then the members of the Anointed, shall I make of an harlots members? not let it be.
16 Or not know you, that the one being joined to the harlot, one body is? (they shall be for, it says, the two for flesh one;)
17 the but one being joined to the Lord, one spirit is?
3 Fornication but and all impurity or unbridled lust not even let it be named among you, (as it becomes holy ones,)
4 He and answering said to them: Not have you read, that the Creator from a beginning a male and a female he made them?
5 and said: On account of this shall leave a man the father and the mother, and shall be closely united to the wife of him; and shall be the two into flesh one.
6 So that no longer they are two, but flesh one. What then the God has joined together, a man not disunites.
28 I but say to you, that all who looking at a woman in order to lust after her, already has debauched her in the heart of him.
22 asserting to be wise ones, they were foolish,
23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God in a likeness of an image of corruptible man, and birds and of fourfooted beasts and creeping things.
24 There fore also delivered them the God in the lusts of the hearts of them to impurity, of the to be dishonored the bodies of them in themselves;
25 who exchanged the truth of the God in the falsehood and reverenced and served the created thing more than him having created, who is worthy of praise into the ages; so be it.
26 On account of this delivered them the God to passions of infamy. The even for females of them changed the natural use into that in violation of nature.
27 In like manner and also the males having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed with the lust of them for for each other, males with males the indecency working out, and the recompence, which it was proper, of the error of them in themselves receiving back.