31 And second like, this: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself. Greater of these another commandment not is.
2 Of each other the burdens bear you, and thus fulfil you the law of the Anointed.
10 in the brotherly kindness, towards each other tender affection; in the honor each other going before;
34 A commandment new I give to you, that you may love each other; as I loved you, that also you might love each other.
8 Above all things but the among yourselves love fervent having; because the love will cover a multitude of sins;
5 Indeed esteems a day from a day, another but esteems every day; each in the own mind let be fully assured.
12 All therefore, as much so ever you may will that should do to you the men, even so also you do to them; this for is the law and the prophets.
10 The love to the neighbor evil not works; a fulfilling then of law the love.
12 you but the Lord cause to be full and to overthrow with the love to each other and to all, even as also we to you;
1 The brotherly love let continue.
2 Of the kindto strangers not be you neglectful; through this for without knowing some having entertained messengers.
11 Because this is the message, which you heard from beginning, that we should love each other;
27 Religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father, this is, to oversee orphans and widows in the affliction of them, unspotted himself to keep from the world.
11 Wherefore comfort you each other, and build you up one the other, as even you do.
24 No one that of himself let him seek, but that of the other.
9 That for: Not thou shalt commit adultery. Not thou shalt commit murder. Not thou shalt steal. Not thou shalt covet; and if any other commandment, in this the word it is brought under one head, in this: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself.
14 The for whole law in one word is fully set forth, in this: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself.
3 nothing in strife or vainglory, but in the lowliness of mind others esteeming exceeding yourselves;
13 No longer therefore each other we should judge; but this judge you rather, that not to place a stumblingblock to the brother or a cause of fall.
2 each one of us to the neighbor let please for the good to building up.
10 So then, as opportunity we have, we should work the good to all, especially but to the familymembers of the faith.
13 (bearing with each other, and freely forgiving each other, if any one for some things should have a cause of complaint; as even the Anointed freely forgave you, so also you;)
8 The but end, all of like mind, sympathizing ones, lovers of brethren, compassionate ones, humbleminded ones,
1 Wherefore inexcusable thou art, O man every one who art judging. In which for thou judgest the other, thyself thou condemnest; the things for same thou doest who art judging.