
20 For our citizenship exists in heaven, from which also we eagerly await for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,

19 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on the earth, where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves dig through and steal;

20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupts, and where thieves do not dig through and steal.

9 Now after He said these things, while they were beholding [Him], He was lifted up, and a cloud withdrew Him from their sight.

18 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him [be] glory forever and ever. Amen!

7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that neither can we carry anything out!

8 But having food and clothing, with these things we shall be content.

14 But Jesus said, "Allow the little children to come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

16 Because the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a word of command, with [the] voice of an archangel, and with [the] trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

17 Then we who are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is.

3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

21 Jesus said to him, "If you desire to be perfect, go, sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."

35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall by no means pass away.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual [forces] of evil in the heavenlies.

50 And He led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up His hands, He blessed them.

51 And it happened, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and was carried up into heaven.

Versículos sobre Céu - Bíblia Online - EMTV