1 Kõik need, kes on orjaikke all, pidagu oma isandaid kõige austuse väärt, et Jumala nime ja õpetust ei pilgataks.
2 Aga kellel on usklikud isandad, ärgu pidagu neid halvemaks, sellepärast et nad on vennad, vaid orjaku neid veel parema meelega, sest et nad on usklikud ja armsad ning harrastavad heategevust. Seda õpeta ja manitse.
3 Kui keegi õpetab teisiti ega hoia meie Issanda Jeesuse Kristuse tervete sõnade ja õpetuse poole, mis viib jumalakartusele,
4 siis on see iseennast täis ega saa aru millestki, vaid on haige küsimuste ja vaidlemiste poolest, millest tõuseb kadedust, riidu, laimu, kurje kahtlusi,
5 alalisi tülitsusi inimeste vahel, kelle mõistus on rikutud ja kellel on tõde läinud käest, kes peavad jumalakartust tuluallikaks.
6 Ent jumalakartus on suur tuluallikas, kui ta on ühendatud rahulolemisega.
7 Ei ole me ju midagi toonud maailma, seepärast me ei või midagi siit ära viia.
8 Aga kui meil on peatoidust ja ihukatet, siis olgem sellega rahul.
9 Ent kes tahavad rikkaks saada, need langevad kiusatusse ja võrku ja paljudesse rumalaisse ja kahjulikesse himudesse, mis suruvad inimesed alla hukatusse ja hävitusse.
10 Sest rahaahnus on kõigi kurjade asjade juur; raha ihaldades on mitmed ära eksinud usust ja on iseendile valmistanud palju torkavat valu.
11 Aga sina, Jumala inimene, põgene selle eest! Taotle õigust, jumalakartust, usku, armastust, kannatlikkust, tasadust!
12 Võitle head usuvõitlust, hakka kinni igavesest elust; selleks sa oled kutsutud ja oled tunnistanud head tunnistust paljude tunnistajate ees.
13 Ma käsin sind Jumala ees, Kes kõik teeb elavaks, ja Kristuse Jeesuse ees, Kes Pontius Pilaatuse ees andis hea tunnistuse,
14 et sa peaksid käsku kinni veatult ja laitmatult kuni meie Issanda Jeesuse Kristuse ilmumiseni,
15 mille omal ajal toob nähtavale õnnis ja ainus vägev valitseja, kuningate Kuningas ja kõigi isandate Issand,
16 Kellel üksi on surematus, Kes elab ligipääsmatus valguses, Keda ükski inimene ei ole näinud ega võigi näha! Temale olgu austus ja igavene vägi! Aamen.
17 Neid, kes on rikkad selles maailmas, manitse mitte olla suurelised ega loota kaduva rikkuse peale, vaid elava Jumala peale, Kes meile annab kõike rohkesti tarvituseks,
18 teha head ja rikkaks saada heade tegude poolest, olla helde käega ning jagada teistele
19 ja koguda enestele raudvara heaks aluseks tuleviku jaoks, et saavutada tõelist elu.
20 Oh Timoteos! Hoia enda hooleks antud vara ning pöördu ära kõlvatuist tühjest juttudest ja valenimelise tunnetuse väidetest,
21 mida mõningad kiidavad enestel olevat ning on ära eksinud usust. Arm teiega!
1 Let all who are servants under the yoke give all honour to their masters, so that no evil may be said against the name of God and his teaching.
2 And let those whose masters are of the faith have respect for them because they are brothers, working for them the more readily, because those who take part in the good work are of the faith and are dear. Give orders and teaching about these things.
3 If any man gives different teaching, not in agreement with the true words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the teaching which is in agreement with true religion,
4 He has an over-high opinion of himself; being without knowledge, having only an unhealthy love of questionings and wars of words, from which come envy, fighting, cruel words, evil thoughts,
5 Bitter talk of men who, being evil in mind and dead to what is true, take the faith to be a way of making profit.
6 But true faith, with peace of mind, is of great profit:
7 For we came into the world with nothing, and we are not able to take anything out;
8 But if we have food and a roof over us, let that be enough.
9 But those who have a desire for wealth are falling into danger, and are taken as in a net by a number of foolish and damaging desires, through which men are overtaken by death and destruction.
10 For the love of money is a root of all evil: and some whose hearts were fixed on it have been turned away from the faith, and been wounded with unnumbered sorrows.
11 But you, O man of God, keep yourself from these things, and go after righteousness, religion, faith, love, a quiet mind, gentle behaviour.
12 Be fighting the good fight of the faith; take for yourself the life eternal, for which you were marked out, and of which you gave witness in the eyes of all.
13 I give you orders before God, the giver of life, and Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate gave witness to the faith,
14 To keep the word untouched by evil, clear from all shame, till the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ:
15 Which at the right time he will make clear, who is the eternal and only Ruler, King of kings, and Lord of lords;
16 Who only has life for ever, living in light to which no man may come near; whom no man has seen or is able to see: to whom be honour and power for ever. So be it.
17 Give orders to those who have money and goods in this life, not to be lifted up in their minds, or to put their hope in the uncertain chances of wealth, but in God who gives us in full measure all things for our use;
18 And to do good, having wealth in good works, being quick to give, taking part with one another;
19 Making ready for themselves a safe place for the time to come, so that the true life may be theirs.
20 O Timothy, take good care of that which is given to you, turning away from the wrong and foolish talk and arguments of that knowledge which is falsely so named;
21 Through which some, who gave their minds to it, have been turned away from the faith. Grace be with you.