1 Ja ta näitas mulle puhast eluveejõge, selget nagu mägikristall. See voolas välja Jumala ja Talle aujärjest.
2 Keset linna tänavat ja mõlemal pool jõge oli elupuu; see kandis vilja kaksteist korda, igas kuus andes oma vilja. Ja puu lehed tulid terviseks rahvastele.
3 Ja midagi neetut ei ole enam. Ja Jumala ja Talle aujärg on siis seal, ja Tema sulased teenivad Teda.
4 Ja nad näevad Tema palet, ja Tema nimi on nende otsaesisel.
5 Ja ööd ei ole enam, ja neile ei ole vaja lambivalgust ega päevavalget, sest Issand Jumal valgustab neid, ja nemad valitsevad ajastute ajastuteni.
6 Ja Ta ütles mulle: „Need on ustavad ja tõelised sõnad! Ja Issand, prohvetite hingede Jumal, on läkitanud Oma Ingli Oma sulastele näitama, mis peab varsti sündima.
7 Ja vaata, Ma tulen nobedasti! Õnnis see, kes peab selle raamatu ennustuse sõnu!"
8 Ja mina, Johannes, olen see, kes seda kuulis ja nägi. Ja kui ma seda olin kuulnud ja näinud, ma heitsin maha, kummardama Ingli jalgade ette, kes mulle seda näitas.
9 Ja ta ütles mulle: „Vaata, ära tee seda! Sest ma olen sinu ja su vendade, prohvetite ja nende kaassulane, kes selle raamatu sõnu peavad. Kummarda Jumalat!"
10 Ja ta ütles mulle: „Ära pane pitseriga kinni selle raamatu ennustussõnu, sest aeg on ligidal!
11 Kes ülekohut teeb, tehku veel ülekohut, ja kes on rüve, see rüvetugu veel enam; aga kes on õige, tehku veel õigust, ja kes on püha, see pühitsegu ennast veel enam!
12 Vaata, Ma tulen pea, ja Mu palk on Minuga tasuda kätte igaühele nõnda nagu tema tegu on!
13 Mina olen A ja O, Esimene ja Viimne, algus ja ots!
14 Õndsad need, kes oma rüüd pesevad, et neil oleks meelevald süüa elupuust ja väravaist linna sisse minna!
15 Väljaspool on koerad ja nõiad ja hoorajad ja tapjad ja ebajumalateenijad ja kõik, kes valet armastavad ja teevad.
16 Mina, Jeesus, läkitan Oma Ingli teile seda tunnistama kogudustes! Mina olen Taaveti juur ja sugu, helkjas koidutäht!"
17 Ja Vaim ja pruut ütlevad: „Tule!" Ja kes seda kuuleb, öelgu: „Tule!" Ja kellel on janu, tulgu; ja kes tahab, võtku eluvett ilma hinnata!
18 Mina tunnistan kõikidele, kes kuulevad selle raamatu ennustussõnu: kui keegi neile midagi juurde lisab, siis paneb Jumal tema peale nuhtlused, mis selles raamatus on kirja pandud!
19 Ja kui keegi võtab midagi ära selle prohvetiraamatu sõnadest, siis Jumal võtab ära tema osa elupuust ja pühast linnast, millest on kirjutatud selles raamatus!
20 Tema, kes seda tunnistab ütleb: „Tõesti, Mina tulen varsti!" Aamen, tule, Issand Jeesus!
21 Issanda Jeesuse Kristuse arm olgu kõikidega! Aamen.
1 And I saw a river of water of life, clear as glass, coming out of the high seat of God and of the Lamb,
2 In the middle of its street. And on this side of the river and on that was the tree of life, having twelve sorts of fruits, giving its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree give life to the nations.
3 And there will be no more curse: and the high seat of God and of the Lamb will be there; and his servants will be worshipping him;
4 And they will see his face; and his name will be on their brows.
5 And there will be no more night; and they have no need of a light or of the shining of the sun; for the Lord God will give them light: and they will be ruling for ever and ever.
6 And he said to me, These words are certain and true: and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to make clear to his servants the things which are now to come about.
7 See, I come quickly. A blessing on him who keeps the words of this book of the prophet.
8 And I, John, am he who saw these things and to whose ears they came. And when I had seen and given ear, I went down on my face to give worship at the feet of the angel who made these things clear to me.
9 And he said to me, See you do it not; I am a brother-servant with you and with your brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book: give worship to God.
10 And he said to me, Let not the words of this prophet's book be kept secret, because the time is near.
11 Let the evil man go on in his evil: and let the unclean be still unclean: and let the upright go on in his righteousness: and let the holy be holy still.
12 See, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give to every man the outcome of his works.
13 I am the First and the Last, the start and the end.
14 A blessing on those whose robes are washed, so that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may go in by the doors into the town.
15 Outside are the dogs, and those who make use of evil powers, those who make themselves unclean, and the takers of life, and those who give worship to images, and everyone whose delight is in what is false.
16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give witness to you of these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star.
17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him who gives ear, say, Come. And let him who is in need come; and let everyone desiring it take of the water of life freely.
18 For I say to every man to whose ears have come the words of this prophet's book, If any man makes an addition to them, God will put on him the punishments which are in this book:
19 And if any man takes away from the words of this book, God will take away from him his part in the tree of life and the holy town, even the things which are in this book.
20 He who gives witness to these things says, Truly, I come quickly. Even so come, Lord Jesus.
21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with the saints. So be it.