1 Pärast seda ma nägin nelja Inglit seisvat maa neljal nurgal ning kinni pidavat nelja maatuult, et ükski tuul ei puhuks maa peale ega mere peale ega ühegi puu peale.
2 Ja ma nägin teist Inglit tõusvat päevatõusu poolt, ning ta käes oli elava Jumala pitsat, ja tema hüüdis suure häälega nendele neljale Inglile, kellele oli antud teha kahju maale ja merele,
3 ning ütles: „Ärge tehke kahju maale ega merele ega puudele, enne kui me oleme pannud pitseri oma Jumala sulaste otsaesisele!"
4 Ja ma kuulsin nende arvu, kes olid pitseriga märgitud, sada nelikümmend neli tuhat pitseriga märgitut kõigist Iisraeli laste suguharudest:
5 Juuda suguharust kaksteist tuhat pitseriga märgitut; Ruubeni suguharust kaksteist tuhat; Gaadi suguharust kaksteist tuhat;
6 Aaseri suguharust kaksteist tuhat; Naftali suguharust kaksteist tuhat; Manasse suguharust kaksteist tuhat;
7 Siimeoni suguharust kaksteist tuhat; Leevi suguharust kaksteist tuhat; Issaskari suguharust kaksteist tuhat;
8 Sebuloni suguharust kaksteist tuhat; Joosepi suguharust kaksteist tuhat; Benjamini suguharust kaksteist tuhat pitseriga märgitut.
9 Pärast seda ma nägin, ja vaata, suur hulk rahvast, keda ükski ei võinud ära lugeda kõigist rahvahõimudest ja suguharudest ja rahvaist ja keeltest; need seisid aujärje ees ja Talle ees, riietatud valgeisse rüüdesse ja palmioksad käes.
10 Ja nad hüüdsid suure häälega ja ütlesid: „Õnnistus meie Jumalale, Kes aujärjel istub, ja Tallele!"
11 Ja kõik Inglid seisid aujärje ja vanemate ja nelja olendi ümber ja heitsid aujärje ette silmili maha ja kummardasid Jumalat
12 ning ütlesid: „Aamen, kiitus ja austus ja tarkus ja tänu ja au ja vägi ja ramm meie Jumalale ajastute ajastuteni! Aamen."
13 Ja üks vanemaist hakkas kõnelema ning ütles minule: „Need seal valgeis rüüdes, kes nad on ja kust nad tulid?"
14 Ja ma ütlesin temale: „Mu isand, sina tead!" Ja ta ütles mulle: „Need on, kes tulevad suurest viletsusest ja on oma rüüd pesnud ja oma rüüd valgeks teinud Talle Veres!
15 Sellepärast on nad Jumala aujärje ees ja teenivad Teda ööd ja päevad Tema templis. Ja See, Kes aujärjel istub, laotab Oma telgi nende üle.
16 Neil ei ole siis enam nälga ega janu; ka ei lange nende peale päikest ega mingisugust palavat;
17 sest Tall, Kes on keset aujärge, hoiab neid ja juhatab nad elava vee allikaile; ja Jumal pühib ära kõik pisarad nende silmist!"
1 After this I saw four angels in their places at the four points of the earth, keeping back the four winds in their hands, so that there might be no moving of the wind on the earth, or on the sea, or on any tree.
2 And I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the mark of the living God: and he said with a great voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to do damage to the earth and the sea,
3 Do no damage to the earth, or the sea, or the trees, till we have put a mark on the servants of our God.
4 And there came to my ears the number of those who had the mark on their brows, a hundred and forty-four thousand, who were marked out of every tribe of the people of Israel.
5 Of the tribe of Judah were marked twelve thousand: of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand: of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand:
6 Of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand: of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand: of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand:
7 Of the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand: of the tribe of Levi twelve thousand: of the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand:
8 Of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand: of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand: of the tribe of Benjamin were marked twelve thousand.
9 After these things I saw a great army of people more than might be numbered, out of every nation and of all tribes and peoples and languages, taking their places before the high seat and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes, and with branches in their hands,
10 Saying with a loud voice, Salvation to our God who is seated on the high seat, and to the Lamb.
11 And all the angels were round about the high seat, and about the rulers and the four beasts; and they went down on their faces before the high seat, and gave worship to God, saying,
12 So be it. Let blessing and glory and wisdom and praise and honour and power and strength be given to our God for ever and ever. So be it.
13 And one of the rulers made answer, saying to me, These who have on white robes, who are they, and where did they come from?
14 And I said to him, My lord, you have knowledge. And he said to me, These are they who came through the great testing, and their robes have been washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb.
15 This is why they are before the high seat of God; and they are his servants day and night in his house: and he who is seated on the high seat will be a tent over them.
16 They will never be in need of food or drink: and they will never again be troubled by the burning heat of the sun:
17 For the Lamb who is on the high seat will be their keeper and their guide to fountains of living water: and God will make glad their eyes for ever.