1 Ja nad läksid läbi Amfipolise ja Apolloonia ja tulid Tessaloonikasse, kus oli juutide kogudusekoda.
2 Ja Paulus läks oma kombe järgi sisse nende juurde ja kõneles neile kolmel hingamispäeval Kirjast,
3 seletades ja tõestades, et Kristus pidi kannatama ja surnuist üles tõusma, ja öeldes: „See Jeesus, Keda mina teile kuulutan, on Kristus!"
4 Ja mõned neist said usklikuks ja liitusid Pauluse ja Siilasega, nõndasamuti suur hulk jumalakartlikke kreeklasi ja mitte pisut suursuguseid naisi.
5 Aga juudid said kadedaks ja võtsid enestega mõningaid hulguseid, nurjatuid mehi, kihutasid rahva üles ning tõstsid linnas möllu ja ründasid Jaasoni maja ning katsusid neid välja vedada rahva ette.
6 Aga kui nad neid ei leidnud, vedasid nad Jaasoni ja mõned vennad linna ülemate ette ning kisendasid: „Need, kes kõiges maailmas tüli tõstavad, on ka siin!
7 Neid on Jaason vastu võtnud ja nad kõik teevad keisri käskude vastu ja ütlevad ühe teise olevat kuninga, Jeesuse!"
8 Seda kuuldes said rahvas ja linna ülemad rahutuks,
9 kuid saades Jaasonilt ja teistelt tagatise, lasksid nad nemad lahti.
10 Aga vennad saatsid sedamaid Pauluse ja Siilase läbi öö Beroiasse. Kui nemad olid saabunud, läksid nad juutide kogudusekotta.
11 Need olid üllamad kui Tessaloonika juudid; nemad võtsid sõna vastu kõige hea meelega ja uurisid iga päev Kirjast, kas see on nõnda, nagu kuulutati.
12 Siis uskusid nüüd paljud neist, ja mitte pisut kreeka lugupeetud naisi ja mehi.
13 Aga kui Tessaloonika juudid said teada, et Paulus ka Beroias kuulutas Jumala sõna, tulid nad sinnagi rahvast ässitama ja rahutuks tegema.
14 Siis vennad saatsid Pauluse sedamaid minema mere äärde; aga Siilas ja Timoteos jäid sinna.
15 Ja Pauluse saatjad viisid ta Ateenani, ja kui nad olid saanud Siilase ja Timoteose jaoks käsu, et need nii ruttu kui võimalik tuleksid tema juurde, tulid nad sealt ära.
16 Aga kui Paulus Ateenas neid oli ootamas, ärritus ta vaim temas, kui ta nägi linna ebajumalakujusid täis olevat.
17 Ent ta kõneles nüüd kogudusekojas juutidega ja jumalakartlike inimestega, ja turul iga päev nendega, keda ta kohtas.
18 Ja mõned epikuurlaste ja stoalaste mõttetargad vaidlesid temaga. Ühed ütlesid: „Mida siis see lobasuu tahab öelda?" Aga teised: „Tema näib kuulutavat võõraid vaime!" Sest ta jutlustas neile Jeesusest ja ülestõusmisest.
19 Ja nad võtsid ta kinni ja viisid ta Areopaagi ning ütlesid: „Kas me võiksime teada saada, mis uus õpetus see on, mida sa õpetad?
20 Sest sa tood meie kõrvade ette võõrastavaid asju; sellepärast tahamegi nüüd teada, mis need õige on!"
21 Sest kõik ateenlased ja muulased, kes nende juures elasid, ei olnud millelegi nii himukad kui jutustama ja kuulama uudiseid.
22 Aga Paulus seisis keset Areopaagi ning ütles: „Ateena mehed, ma näen, et te olete igapidi väga jumalakartlikud.
23 Sest ma olen läbi minnes ja teie pühi paiku vaadeldes leidnud ka altari, mille peale oli kirjutatud: „Tundmatule Jumalale!" Keda te nüüd tundmata teenite, Teda kuulutan mina teile.
24 Jumal, kes on teinud maailma ja kõik, mis seal sees, Tema, Kes on taeva ja maa Issand, ei ela templis, mis on kätega tehtud;
25 Teda ei teenita ka mitte inimeste kätega, otsekui oleks Temale midagi vaja; Tema annab Ise kõigile elu ja õhu ja kõik.
26 Ja Ta on ühest ainsast teinud kogu inimkonna kõige maa peale elama ning neile seadnud ennemääratud ajad ja nende asukohtade rajad,
27 et nad otsiksid Jumalat, kas nad Teda ehk saaksid kätega kombata ja leida, ehk Tema küll ei ole kaugel mitte ühestki meist;
28 sest Tema sees elame ja liigume ja oleme meie, nagu ka mõned teie luuletajaist on öelnud: „Sest ka meie oleme Tema sugu!"
29 Kui me nüüd oleme Jumala sugu, siis me ei tohi mõelda, et jumalik olend on kulla või hõbeda või kivi sarnane, niisugune nagu inimese oskuse ja väljamõeldise läbi tekitatud kuju.
30 Jumal on küll niisuguseid teadmatuse aegu sallinud, kuid nüüd Ta kuulutab kõigile inimestele kõigis paigus, et nad peavad meelt parandama,
31 sest Ta on seadnud päeva, mil Ta tahab kohut mõista maailma üle õigluses Mehe läbi, Kelle Ta selleks on määranud, ja pakub usku kõigile pärast seda, kui Ta on Tema surnuist üles äratanud!"
32 Aga kui nad surnute ülestõusmisest kuulsid, panid mõned seda naeruks, aga teised ütlesid: „Me tahame sind selles asjas kuulda veel teinegi kord!"
33 Nõnda läks Paulus nende keskelt ära.
34 Ent mõned mehed ühinesid temaga ja said usklikuks; nende hulgas oli ka Areopaagi liige Dionüüsios ja üks naine, nimega Daamaris, ja muid ühes nendega.
1 Now when they had gone through Amphipolis and Apollonia they came to Thessalonica, where there was a Synagogue of the Jews:
2 And Paul, as he generally did, went in to them, and on three Sabbath days had discussions with them from the holy Writings,
3 Saying to them clearly and openly that Christ had to be put to death and come back to life again; and that this Jesus, whom, he said, I am preaching to you, is the Christ.
4 And some of them had faith, and were joined to Paul and Silas; and a number of the God-fearing Greeks, and some of the chief women.
5 But the Jews, being moved with envy, took with them certain low persons from among the common people, and getting together a great number of people, made an outcry in the town, attacking the house of Jason with the purpose of taking them out to the people.
6 And when they were not able to get them, they took Jason and some of the brothers by force before the rulers of the town, crying, These men, who have made trouble all over the world have now come here;
7 Whom Jason has taken into his house: and they are acting against the orders of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus.
8 And hearing these things the people and the rulers of the town were troubled.
9 And having made Jason and the others give an undertaking to keep the peace, they let them go.
10 And the brothers straight away sent Paul and Silas away by night to Beroea: and they, when they came there, went to the Synagogue of the Jews.
11 Now these were more noble than the Jews of Thessalonica, for they gave serious attention to the word, searching in the holy Writings every day, to see if these things were so.
12 And a number of them had faith, and no small number of the Greek women of high position and of the men.
13 But when the Jews of Thessalonica had news that Paul was preaching the word at Beroea, they came there, troubling the people and working them up.
14 So the brothers sent Paul straight away to the sea: but Silas and Timothy kept there still.
15 But those who went with Paul took him as far as Athens, and then went away, with orders from him to Silas and Timothy to come to him quickly.
16 Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was troubled, for he saw all the town full of images of the gods.
17 So he had discussions in the Synagogue with the Jews and God-fearing Gentiles, and every day in the market-place with those who were there.
18 And some of those who were supporters of the theories of the Epicureans and the Stoics, had a meeting with him. And some said, What is this talker of foolish words saying? And others, He seems to be a preacher of strange gods: because he was preaching of Jesus and his coming back from the dead.
19 And they took him to Mars' Hill, saying, Will you make clear to us what is this new teaching of yours?
20 For you seem to us to say strange things, and we have a desire to get the sense of them.
21 (Now all the Athenians and the men from other lands who come there were giving all their time to talking or hearing of anything new.)
22 And Paul got to his feet on Mars' Hill and said, O men of Athens, I see that you are overmuch given to fear of the gods.
23 For when I came by, I was looking at the things to which you give worship, and I saw an altar with this writing on it, TO THE GOD OF WHOM THERE IS NO KNOWLEDGE. Now, what you, without knowledge, give worship to, I make clear to you.
24 The God who made the earth and everything in it, he, being Lord of heaven and earth, is not housed in buildings made with hands;
25 And he is not dependent on the work of men's hands, as if he had need of anything, for he himself gives to all life and breath and all things;
26 And he has made of one blood all the nations of men living on all the face of the earth, ordering their times and the limits of their lands,
27 So that they might make search for God, in order, if possible, to get knowledge of him and make discovery of him, though he is not far from every one of us:
28 For in him we have life and motion and existence; as certain of your verse writers have said, For we are his offspring.
29 If then we are the offspring of God, it is not right for us to have the idea that God is like gold or silver or stone, formed by the art or design of man.
30 Those times when men had no knowledge were overlooked by God; but now he gives orders to all men in every place to undergo a change of heart:
31 Because a day has been fixed in which all the world will be judged in righteousness by the man who has been marked out by him for this work; of which he has given a sign to all men by giving him back from the dead.
32 Now on hearing about the coming back from death, some of them made sport of it, but others said, Let us go more fully into this another time.
33 And so Paul went away from among them.
34 But some men gave him their support: among whom was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.