1 Kui Apollos oli Korintoses, sündis, et Paulus käis läbi ülamaakonnad ja tuli Efesosse ning leidis sealt jüngreid.
2 Ja ta küsis neilt: „Kas te saite Püha Vaimu, kui saite usklikuks?" Aga nemad ütlesid talle: „Me ei olegi kuulnud, kas Püha Vaimu on!"
3 Ja tema ütles: „Mis ristimisega te siis olete ristitud?" Nad vastasid: „Johannese ristimisega!"
4 Aga Paulus ütles: „Johannes ristis meeleparandusristimisega, öeldes rahvale, et nad usuksid Temasse, Kes pärast teda tuleb, see on Jeesusesse!"
5 Kui nad seda kuulsid, lasksid nad endid ristida Issanda Jeesuse nimesse.
6 Ja kui Paulus pani oma käed nende peale, tuli Püha Vaim nende peale ja nad rääkisid võõraid keeli ja ennustasid.
7 Neid oli üldse ligi kaksteist meest.
8 Ja ta läks kogudusekotta ning kõneles seal avalikult kolm kuud, õpetades ja äratades nõudma Jumala riiki.
9 Aga kui mõned tegid oma südame kõvaks ega uskunud, vaid rääkisid halba õpetusest rahva ees, läks ta ära nende juurest ning eraldas neist jüngrid ja pidas iga päev arutlusi Türannose koolis.
10 See kestis kaks aastat, nii et kõik, kes Aasias elasid, niihästi juudid kui kreeklased, said kuulda Issanda Jeesuse sõna.
11 Ja Jumal tegi iseäralikke imetegusid Pauluse käte läbi,
12 nii et ka tema ihu pealt võetud higirätikuid ja põlli viidi haigete peale ja tõved lahkusid haigetest ning kurjad vaimud läksid välja.
13 Aga mõningad ümberrändajad juudi lausujad hakkasid Issanda Jeesuse nime nimetama nende peale, kelles oli kurje vaime, öeldes: „Ma vannutan teid Jeesuse nimel, keda Paulus kuulutab!"
14 Ja need olid ühe juudi ülempreestri Skeua seitse poega, kes seda tegid.
15 Ent kuri vaim vastas ning ütles neile: „Jeesust ma tunnen ja Paulust ma tean, aga kes teie olete?"
16 Ja inimene, kelles oli kuri vaim, kargas nende kallale, sai võimust nende üle ja võitis nad ära, nõnda et nad alasti ja haavatult põgenesid sellest kojast.
17 Ja see sai teatavaks kõigile juutidele ja kreeklastele, kes elasid Efesoses. Ja hirm tuli nende kõikide peale, ja Issanda Jeesuse nime ülistati väga.
18 Ja paljud neist, kes olid usklikuks saanud, tulid ning tunnistasid ja andsid üles oma teod.
19 Aga mitmed neist, kes olid tegemist teinud nõiakunstiga, tõid kokku oma raamatud ja põletasid need ära kõikide nähes. Ja kui nende hind kokku arvati, leiti see olevat viiskümmend tuhat hõbetükki.
20 Nii võimsasti kasvas Issanda sõna ja avaldas oma väge.
21 Kui see kõik oli sündinud, võttis Paulus vaimus ette minna Makedoonia ja Ahhaia kaudu Jeruusalemma ning ütles: „Kui ma seal olen ära käinud, pean ma näha saama ka Rooma linna!"
22 Ja ta läkitas kaks oma abilist, Timoteose ja Erastose, Makedooniasse ja jäi ise veel mõneks ajaks Aasiasse.
23 Sel ajal tekkis suur tüli õpetuse pärast.
24 Sest üks hõbesepp, Demeetrios nimi, tegi hõbedast Artemise templeid ja saatis sellega ametimeestele palju kasu.
25 Need ta kogus kokku ja teisi, kes seda tööd tegid, ning ütles: „Mehed, te teate, et meil sellest tööst on hea tulu,
26 ja te näete ning kuulete, et see Paulus mitte ainult Efesoses, vaid ka peaaegu kogu Aasias palju rahvast ära meelitab ja eksitab, öeldes, et need ei olevat jumalad, mis kätega tehakse.
27 Ent mitte ükspäinis seda meie tööstust ei ähvarda halvakspanu, vaid ka suure jumalanna Artemise templit, nii et seda mikski ei panda ja et kaob ka jumalanna suur au, keda kummardavad kogu Aasia ja kõik maailm!"
28 Kui nad seda kuulsid, said nad täis viha, kisendasid ning ütlesid: „Suur on efeslaste Artemis!"
29 Ja kõik linn sai täis kära ja nad tormasid ühel meelel teatrisse ja vedasid ühes sinna Gaajuse ja Aristarhose, kaks makedoonlast, kes olid Pauluse matkakaaslased.
30 Ent kui Paulus tahtis rahva sekka minna, ei lasknud jüngrid teda mitte.
31 Ka mõned Aasiamaa ülemad, kes olid tema sõbrad, läkitasid tema juurde ning palusid teda, et ta ei läheks teatriväljakule.
32 Seal kisendasid ühed seda, teised teist; sest rahvakogu oli segaduses ja suurem hulk ei teadnud, misjaoks nad olid kokku tulnud.
33 Siis toodi rahva seast esile Aleksandros, kelle juudid ette lükkasid. Aleksandros viitas käega, märku andes, et ta tahab pidada kaitsekõnet rahva ees.
34 Aga kui nad märkasid, et ta on juut, tõstsid nad kisa ja karjusid kõik nagu ühest suust ligi kaks tundi aega: „Suur on efeslaste Artemis!"
35 Viimaks linnakirjutaja vaigistas rahva ning ütles: „Efesose mehed, kas on ühtki inimest, kes ei teaks, et efeslaste linn on suure Artemise ja tema taevast mahalangenud kuju hoidja?
36 Et nüüd ükski sellele ei saa vastu rääkida, siis tuleb teil jääda vait ega tule midagi ette võtta uisapäisa.
37 Sest te olete toonud siia need mehed, kes ei ole templi rüüstajad ega teie jumalanna teotajad.
38 Kui nüüd Demeetriosel ja temaga ühes olevail ametimeestel on kellegi peale midagi kaebamist, siis on selleks kohtupäevi ja maavalitsejaid; kaevaku nad üksteist kohtusse.
39 Ja kui teil on veel mingit muud nõudmist, siis seletatagu asi korrapärase rahvakogu ees.
40 Sest meil tuleb tänase kära pärast karta, et meie peale kaebus tõstetakse, ilma et meil oleks mingit põhjust, millega seda rahva kokkujooksu õigustada!" Kui ta seda oli öelnud, saatis ta rahvakogu laiali.
1 And it came about that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul, having gone through the higher country, came to Ephesus, where there were certain disciples:
2 And he said to them, Did you get the Holy Spirit when you had faith? And they said to him, No, we have had no knowledge of the Holy Spirit.
3 And he said, What sort of baptism did you have? And they said, The baptism of John.
4 And Paul said, John gave a baptism which goes with a change of heart, saying to the people that they were to have faith in him who was coming after him, that is, in Jesus.
5 And hearing this, they had baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus.
6 And when Paul had put his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them; and they had the power of talking in tongues, and acting like prophets.
7 And there were about twelve of these men.
8 And he went into the Synagogue, and for three months he was preaching there without fear, reasoning and teaching about the kingdom of God.
9 But because some of the people were hard-hearted and would not give hearing, saying evil words about the Way before the people, he went away from them, and kept the disciples separate, reasoning every day in the school of Tyrannus.
10 And this went on for two years, so that all those who were living in Asia had knowledge of the word of the Lord, Greeks as well as Jews.
11 And God did special works of power by the hands of Paul:
12 So that bits of linen and clothing from his body were taken to people who were ill, and their diseases went away from them and the evil spirits went out.
13 But some of the Jews who went from place to place driving out evil spirits, took it on themselves to make use of the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, I give you orders, by Jesus, whom Paul is preaching.
14 And there were seven sons of a man named Sceva, a Jew and a chief priest, who did this.
15 And the evil spirit, answering, said to them, I have knowledge of Jesus, and of Paul, but who are you?
16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was, jumping on them, was stronger than the two of them, and overcame them, so that they went running from that house, wounded and without their clothing.
17 And this came to the ears of all those, Jews and Greeks, who were living at Ephesus; and fear came on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was made great.
18 And a number of those who had faith came and made a public statement of their sins and all their acts.
19 And a great number of those who were experts in strange arts took their books and put them on the fire in front of everyone: and when the books were valued they came to fifty thousand bits of silver.
20 So the word of the Lord was increased very greatly and was full of power.
21 Now after these things were ended, Paul came to a decision that when he had gone through Macedonia and Achaia he would go to Jerusalem, saying, After I have been there, I have a desire to see Rome.
22 And having sent two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, into Macedonia, he himself went on living in Asia for a time.
23 And about that time a great outcry took place about the Way.
24 For there was a certain man named Demetrius, a silver-worker, who made silver boxes for the images of Diana, and gave no small profit to the workmen;
25 Whom he got together, with other workmen of the same trade, and said to them, Men, it is clear that from this business we get our wealth.
26 And you see, for it has come to your ears, that not only at Ephesus, but almost all through Asia, this Paul has been teaching numbers of people and turning them away, saying that those are not gods who are made by men's hands:
27 And there is danger, not only that our trade may be damaged in the opinion of men, but that the holy place of the great goddess Diana may be no longer honoured, and that she to whom all Asia and the world give worship, will be put down from her high position.
28 And hearing this, they were very angry, crying out and saying, Great is Diana of Ephesus.
29 And the town was full of noise and trouble, and they all came running into the theatre, having taken by force Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia who were journeying in company with Paul.
30 And when Paul was about to go in to the people, the disciples did not let him.
31 And some of the rulers of Asia, being his friends, sent to him, requesting him seriously not to put himself in danger by going into the theatre.
32 And some said one thing, and some another: for there was no order in the meeting; and most of them had no idea why they had come together.
33 Then they took Alexander out from among the people, the Jews putting him forward. And Alexander, making a sign with his hand, was about to make a statement to the people in answer:
34 But when they saw that he was a Jew, all of them with one voice went on crying out for about two hours, Great is Diana of Ephesus.
35 And when the chief secretary had got the people quiet, he said, Men of Ephesus, is any man without knowledge that the town of Ephesus is the keeper of the holy place of the great Diana, who was sent down from Jupiter?
36 So then, because these things may not be doubted, it would be better for you to be quiet, and do nothing unwise.
37 For you have taken these men, who are not doing damage to the holy place or talking against our goddess.
38 If, then, Demetrius and the workmen who are with him have a protest to make against any man, the law is open to them, and there are judges; let them put up a cause at law against one another.
39 But if any other business is in question, let it be taken up in the regular meeting.
40 For, truly, we are in danger of being made responsible for this day's trouble, there being no cause for it: and we are not able to give any reason for this coming together.\
41 \19:41\And when he had said this, he sent the meeting away.