1 Kui olime pääsenud, saime teada, et saart hüütakse Meliteks.
2 Aga umbkeelsed osutasid meile suurt lahkust; nad tegid tule maha ja võtsid meid kõiki selle äärde vihmasaju ja külma pärast.
3 Aga kui Paulus sületäie hagu kokku riisus ja tulle pani, tuli kuumuse tõttu välja rästik ja hakkas tema käest kinni!
4 Kui umbkeelsed nägid seda looma tema käe küljes rippuvat, ütlesid nad isekeskis: „Vist on see mees inimesetapja, et õiguse jumalanna teda ei lase elada, ehk ta küll on pääsenud merest!"
5 Aga tema raputas eluka tulle ega tundnud mingit viga.
6 Nad ootasid küll, et ta üles paistetab või äkitselt surnuna maha langeb. Aga kui nad olid kaua oodanud ja nägid, et talle ei sündinud mingit viga, mõtlesid nad teisiti ja ütlesid tema jumala olevat.
7 Aga selle paiga läheduses oli saare tähtsamal mehel, nimega Puublius, mõis. Tema võttis meid vastu ja pidas meid kolm päeva lahkesti külalistena.
8 Ja sündis, kui Puubliuse isa oli haige maas palavikus ja kõhutõves, et Paulus läks tema juurde, palvetas ja pani oma käed ta peale ning tegi tema terveks.
9 Kui see oli sündinud, tulid ka teised haiged saarelt ligi ja said terveks.
10 Ja nemad austasid meid mitmel viisil, ja kui me hakkasime ära minema, andsid nad teekonna jaoks, mis vaja oli.
11 Aga kolme kuu pärast me läksime sealt minema Aleksandria laevaga, mis oli ületalve olnud sellel saarel ja mille tunnuseks oli Dioskuuride märk.
12 Me maabusime Sürakuusas ja olime seal kolm päeva paigal.
13 Sealt me sõitsime edasi ja jõudsime Reegioni, ja kui ühe päeva pärast tõusis lõunatuul, saabusime teisel päeval Puteolisse.
14 Sealt me leidsime vendi, ja nende kutsel jäime seitsmeks päevaks nende juurde. Siis me läksime Rooma linna.
15 Ja kui sealsed vennad meist kuulda said, tulid nad meile vastu Appiuse turuni ja Trestabernani. Neid nähes tänas Paulus Jumalat ja sai julgust.
16 Aga kui saabusime Rooma, anti Paulusele luba jääda omaette elama ühes sõduriga, kes teda valvas.
17 Aga kolme päeva pärast Paulus kutsus kokku juutide peamehed. Kui need kokku tulid, ütles ta neile: „Mehed, vennad, mina pole teinud midagi meie rahva ja esiisade kommete vastu, ja ometi ma olen Jeruusalemmast vangina antud üle roomlaste kätte;
18 ja kui need mind olid üle kuulanud, tahtsid nad mind vabaks lasta, sest minul ei olnud ühtki surmasüüd.
19 Aga kui juudid selle vastu rääkisid, siis ma pidin häda pärast nõudma keisri kohut, aga mitte, nagu oleks mul midagi kaebamist oma rahva peale.
20 Selle asja pärast ma teid nüüd kutsusin enese juurde, et teid näha ja teiega rääkida; sest Iisraeli lootuse pärast ma olen kinni selles ahelas!"
21 Aga nemad ütlesid talle: „Me ei ole saanud ühtki kirja Juudamaalt sinu kohta; ei ole ka tulnud siia ühtki venda, kes sinust oleks teatanud ehk rääkinud midagi paha.
22 Ent meie soovime siiski kuulda sinult, mida sa mõtled; sest sellest väärusust on meil teada, et selle vastu igas paigas räägitakse!"
23 Ja nad määrasid temale päeva ja siis tuli tema juurde majasse veel rohkem inimesi. Neile ta seletas asja ja tunnistas Jumala Riiki ning meelitas hommikust õhtuni neid uskuma Moosese käsuõpetusest ja prohvetitest seda, mis Jeesusest on kirjutatud.
24 Siis ühed veendusid tema sõnus, teised aga ei uskunud mitte.
25 Aga kui nad isekeskis ei olnud üksmeelsed, läksid nad ära, kui Paulus oli öelnud selle sõna: „Püha Vaim on hästi rääkinud prohvet Jesaja kaudu teie esiisadele
26 ja on öelnud: mine selle rahva juurde ja ütle: kuuldes te kuulete ega mõista, ja nähes te näete ega taipa!
27 Sest selle rahva süda on tuimaks läinud ja nad kuulevad raskesti oma kõrvadega ja sulevad oma silmad, et nad silmadega ei näeks ja kõrvadega ei kuuleks ja südamega ei mõistaks ega pöörduks, et Mina neid parandaksin!
28 Siis olgu teile teada, et see Jumala pääste on läkitatud paganaile ja nemad võtavad seda kuulda!"
29 Ja kui ta seda oli öelnud, läksid juudid minema ja neil oli isekeskis palju vaidlemist.
30 Aga Paulus jäi kaheks terveks aastaks oma üürielamusse ja võttis vastu kõiki, kes tulid tema juurde,
31 ja kuulutas Jumala Riiki ning õpetas Issandast Jeesusest Kristusest kõige julgusega ilma takistamata.
1 And when we were safe, we made the discovery that the island was named Melita.
2 And the simple people living there were uncommonly kind to us, for they made a fire for us, and took us in, because it was raining and cold.
3 But when Paul had got some sticks together and put them on the fire, a snake came out, because of the heat, and gave him a bite on the hand.
4 And when the people saw it hanging on his hand, they said to one another, Without doubt this man has put someone to death, and though he has got safely away from the sea, God will not let him go on living.
5 But shaking off the beast into the fire, he got no damage.
6 But they had the idea that they would see him becoming ill, or suddenly falling down dead; but after waiting a long time, and seeing that no damage came to him, changing their opinion, they said he was a god.
7 Now near that place there was some land, the property of the chief man of the island, who was named Publius; who very kindly took us into his house as his guests for three days.
8 And the father of Publius was ill, with a disease of the stomach; to whom Paul went, and put his hands on him, with prayer, and made him well.
9 And when this took place, all the others in the island who had diseases came and were made well.
10 Then they gave us great honour, and, when we went away, they put into the ship whatever things we were in need of.
11 And after three months we went to sea in a ship of Alexandria sailing under the sign of the Dioscuri, which had been at the island for the winter.
12 And going into the harbour at Syracuse, we were waiting there for three days.
13 And from there, going about in a curve, we came to Rhegium: and after one day a south wind came up and on the day after we came to Puteoli:
14 Where we came across some of the brothers, who kept us with them for seven days; and so we came to Rome.
15 And the brothers, when they had news of us, came out from town as far as Appii Forum and the Three Taverns to have a meeting with us: and Paul, seeing them, gave praise to God and took heart.
16 And when we came into Rome, they let Paul have a house for himself and the armed man who kept watch over him.
17 Then after three days he sent for the chief men of the Jews: and when they had come together, he said to them, My brothers, though I had done nothing against the people or the ways of our fathers, I was given, a prisoner from Jerusalem, into the hands of the Romans.
18 Who, when they had put questions to me, were ready to let me go free, because there was no cause of death in me.
19 But when the Jews made protest against it, I had to put my cause into Caesar's hands; not because I have anything to say against my nation.
20 But for this reason I sent for you, to see and have talk with you: for because of the hope of Israel I am in these chains.
21 And they said to him, We have not had letters from Judaea about you, and no one of the brothers has come to us here to give an account or say any evil about you.
22 But we have a desire to give hearing to your opinion: for as to this form of religion, we have knowledge that in all places it is attacked.
23 And when a day had been fixed, they came to his house in great numbers; and he gave them teaching, giving witness to the kingdom of God, and having discussions with them about Jesus, from the law of Moses and from the prophets, from morning till evening.
24 And some were in agreement with what he said, but some had doubts.
25 And they went away, for there was a division among them after Paul had said this one thing: Well did the Holy Spirit say by the prophet Isaiah to your fathers,
26 Go to this people and say, Though you give ear, you will not get knowledge; and seeing, you will see, but the sense will not be clear to you:
27 For the heart of this people has become fat and their ears are slow in hearing and their eyes are shut; for fear that they might see with their eyes and give hearing with their ears and become wise in their hearts and be turned again to me, so that I might make them well.
28 Be certain, then, that the salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles, and they will give hearing.
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30 And for the space of two years, Paul was living in the house of which he had the use, and had talk with all those who went in to see him,
31 Preaching the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ without fear, and no orders were given that he was not to do so.