1 Aga Saulus turtsus ikka veel ähvardamise ja tapmisega Issanda jüngrite vastu ja läks ülempreestri juurde
2 ning palus temalt kirju Damaskuse kogudustele, et kui ta peaks leidma usuteel käijaid, olgu mehi või naisi, et ta võiks nad siduda ja tuua Jeruusalemma.
3 Aga kui ta oli sinna minemas ja Damaskuse lähedale jõudis, sündis, et äkitselt paistis tema ümber valgus taevast;
4 ja ta kukkus maha maa peale ning kuulis üht häält temale ütlevat: „Saul, Saul, miks sa Mind taga kiusad?"
5 Tema vastas: „Issand, kes Sa oled?" Ja Issand ütles: „Mina olen Jeesus, Keda sa taga kiusad!"
6 Aga tõuse ja mine linna, ja seal öeldakse sulle, mis sul tuleb teha!"
7 Aga mehed, kes olid temaga teel, seisid ehmunult; nad kuulsid küll häält, aga ei näinud kedagi.
8 Aga Saulus tõusis maast üles ja kui ta oma silmad avas, ei näinud ta enam! Siis nad talutasid teda kättpidi ja viisid ta Damaskusesse.
9 Ja kolm päeva ta ei näinud, ei söönud ega joonud.
10 Ent Damaskuses oli üks jünger, Ananias nimi. Sellele ütles Issand nägemuses: „Ananias!" Tema vastas: „Issand, vaata, siin ma olen!"
11 Issand ütles temale: „Tõuse ja mine sinna tänavasse, mida kutsutakse Õigeks, ja kuula Juuda majas Sauluse-nimelise Tarsose mehe järele, sest vaata, ta palvetab
12 ja on nägemuses näinud mehe, Ananias nimi, sisse tulevat ja käe ta peale panevat, et ta nägemise tagasi saaks!"
13 Ananias vastas: „Issand, ma olen mitmelt kuulnud sellest mehest, kui palju ta on kurja teinud Sinu pühadele Jeruusalemmas;
14 ja tal on ülempreestrilt luba siin siduda kõiki, kes Sinu nime appi hüüavad!"
15 Aga Issand ütles temale: „Mine, sest ta on Mulle valitud riist, et ta Minu nime kannaks paganate ja kuningate ning Iisraeli laste ette,
16 sest Mina tahan temale näidata, kui palju ta peab Minu nime pärast kannatama!"
17 Siis Ananias läks ära ja astus sinna majja. Ja kui ta oma käe tema peale oli pannud, ütles ta: „Saul, vend, Issand on mind läkitanud, Jeesus, Kes sulle ilmus teel, mida sa tulid, et sa nägemise tagasi saaksid ja täituksid Püha Vaimuga!"
18 Ja sedamaid pudenes tema silmadelt otsekui soomuseid, ja ta nägi jälle ja tõusis ning laskis ennast ristida.
19 Ja kui ta oli leiba võtnud, sai ta jälle tugevaks. Siis ta jäi mõneks päevaks jüngrite sekka Damaskusesse,
20 ja kuulutas varsti kogudusekodades Kristust, tunnistades, et Seesama on Jumala Poeg.
21 Aga kõik, kes teda kuulsid, ehmusid ning ütlesid: „Eks see ole seesama, kes Jeruusalemmas rüüstas selle nime appihüüdjaid ja on siia tulnud selleks, et neid kinni siduda ja viia ülempreestrite kätte?"
22 Aga Saulus läks järjest vägevamaks ja ajas juudid, kes Damaskuses elasid, kihama ning tõestas, et Jeesus on Kristus.
23 Mõne päeva pärast pidasid juudid nõu teda ära tappa.
24 Aga Saulus sai teada nende salanõu. Ent nad valvasid päeva ja öö väravais, et teda tappa;
25 kuid jüngrid võtsid ta öösel ja aitasid ta üle müüri ning lasksid ta korviga alla.
26 Kui siis Saulus jõudis Jeruusalemma, püüdis ta liituda jüngrite hulka, aga nemad kõik kartsid teda ega uskunud, et ta on jünger.
27 Kuid Barnabas võttis ta vastu ja viis ta Apostlite juurde ja rääkis neile, kuidas tema teel olles oli Issandat näinud ning temaga kõnelnud ja kuidas ta Damaskuses oli avalikult kuulutanud Evangeeliumi Jeesuse nimel.
28 Nii ta jäi nende juurde sisse ja välja käima Jeruusalemmas ja kuulutas avalikult Evangeeliumi Issanda nimel.
29 Ta rääkis ka ja ajas juttu kreekakeelsete juutidega; aga need püüdsid teda tappa.
30 Aga kui vennad seda teada said, viisid nad ta Kaisareasse ja saatsid ta sealt Tarsosesse.
31 Siis oli nüüd kogudusel rahu kogu Juuda- ja Galilea- ja Samaariamaal, ja see kasvas ja täienes ja edenes Issanda kartuses ning Püha Vaimu julgustusel.
32 Aga sündis, kui Peetrus kõigis paigus käimas oli, et ta tuli ka pühade juurde, kes elasid Lüddas.
33 Seal ta leidis ühe inimese, Aineas nimi, kes oli kaheksa aastat olnud voodis maas ja halvatud.
34 Ja Peetrus ütles talle: „Aineas! Jeesus Kristus teeb su terveks: tõuse üles ja sea oma ase korda!" Ja sedamaid ta tõusis üles.
35 Ja teda nägid kõik, kes elasid Lüddas ja Saaronis; ja need pöördusid Issanda poole.
36 Aga Joppes oli keegi naisjünger, nimega Tabiita, mis meie keeli tähendab Hirv. See oli rikas häist tegudest ja armastusandidest, mida ta tegi.
37 Ja neil päevil sündis, et ta jäi haigeks ja suri. Ja nad pesid teda ja panid ta ülemisse tuppa.
38 Aga Lüdda oli Joppe lähedal. Kui jüngrid kuulsid, et Peetrus seal on, läkitasid nad kaks meest tema juurde ja palusid teda, et ta viibimata tuleks nende juurde.
39 Siis Peetrus tõusis ja läks nendega. Ja kui ta sinna jõudis, viisid nad ta ülemisse tuppa, ja kõik lesknaised astusid tema ümber, nutsid ja näitasid kuubi ja riideid, mis Hirv nende juures olles oli teinud.
40 Aga Peetrus ajas kõik välja, heitis põlvili ja palus Jumalat ning pöördus surnu poole ja ütles: „Tabiita, tõuse üles!" Siis avas see oma silmad, ja kui ta Peetrust nägi, tõusis ta istuma.
41 Aga Peetrus andis temale käe ja tõstis ta püsti. Siis ta kutsus sisse pühad ja lesed ja esitas teda neile elavana.
42 Aga see sai teatavaks kogu Joppes ja paljud uskusid Issandasse.
43 Ja Peetrus jäi mõneks päevaks Joppesse ühe nahkru Siimona juurde.
1 But Saul, still burning with desire to put to death the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest,
2 And made a request for letters from him to the Synagogues of Damascus, so that if there were any of the Way there, men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.
3 And while he was journeying, he came near Damascus; and suddenly he saw a light from heaven shining round him;
4 And he went down on the earth, and a voice said to him, Saul, Saul, why are you attacking me so cruelly?
5 And he said, Who are you, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus, whom you are attacking:
6 But get up, and go into the town, and it will be made clear to you what you have to do.
7 And the men who were with him were not able to say anything; hearing the voice, but seeing no one.
8 And Saul got up from the earth, and when his eyes were open, he saw nothing; and he was guided by the hand into Damascus.
9 And for three days he was not able to see, and he took no food or drink.
10 Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and the Lord said to him in a vision, Ananias! and he said, Here I am, Lord.
11 And the Lord said to him, Get up, and go to the street which is named Straight, and make search at the house of Judas for one named Saul of Tarsus: for he is at prayer;
12 And he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hands on him, so that he may be able to see.
13 But Ananias said, Lord, I have had accounts of this man from a number of people, how much evil he has done to your saints at Jerusalem:
14 And here he has authority from the chief priests to make prisoners all who give worship to your name.
15 But the Lord said, Go without fear: for he is a special vessel for me, to give to the Gentiles and kings and to the children of Israel the knowledge of my name:
16 For I will make clear to him what troubles he will have to undergo for me.
17 And Ananias went out and came to the house, and putting his hands on him, said, Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, whom you saw when you were on your journey, has sent me, so that you may be able to see, and be full of the Holy Spirit.
18 And straight away it seemed as if a veil was taken from his eyes, and he was able to see; and he got up, and had baptism;
19 And when he had taken food his strength came back. And for some days he kept with the disciples who were in Damascus.
20 And straight away, in the Synagogues, he was preaching Jesus as the Son of God.
21 And all those hearing him were full of wonder and said, Is not this the man who in Jerusalem was attacking all the worshippers of this name? and he had come here so that he might take them as prisoners before the chief priests.
22 But Saul went on increasing in power, and the Jews in Damascus were not able to give answers to the arguments by which he made it clear that Jesus was the Christ.
23 Then, after some days, the Jews made an agreement together to put him to death:
24 But Saul got knowledge of their design. And they kept watch day and night on the roads out of the town, so that they might put him to death:
25 But his disciples took him by night and let him down from the wall in a basket.
26 And when he came to Jerusalem, he made an attempt to be joined to the disciples, but they were all in fear of him, not taking him for a disciple.
27 But Barnabas took him to the Apostles and gave them an account of how he had seen the Lord on the road, and had given hearing to his words, and how at Damascus he had been preaching in the name of Jesus without fear.
28 And he was with them, going in and out at Jerusalem,
29 Preaching in the name of the Lord without fear; and he had discussions with the Greek Jews; but they were working for his death.
30 And when the brothers had knowledge of it, they took him to Caesarea and sent him to Tarsus.
31 And so the church through all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was made strong; and, living in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, was increased greatly.
32 And it came about that while Peter was going through all parts of the country he came to the saints who were living at Lydda.
33 And there was a certain man there, named Aeneas, who for eight years had been in bed, without power of moving.
34 And Peter said to him, Aeneas, Jesus Christ makes you well: get up and make your bed. And straight away he got up.
35 And all those living in Lydda and Sharon saw him, and were turned to the Lord.
36 Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, that is, Dorcas: this woman was given to good works and acts of mercy at all times.
37 And it came about, in those days, that she got ill and came to her death: and when she had been washed, they put her in a room which was high up.
38 And because Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, having knowledge that Peter was there, sent two men to him, requesting him to come to them straight away.
39 And Peter went with them. And when he had come, they took him into the room: and all the widows were there, weeping and putting before him the coats and clothing which Dorcas had made while she was with them.
40 But Peter made them all go outside, and went down on his knees in prayer; and turning to the body, he said, Tabitha, get up. And, opening her eyes, she saw Peter and got up.
41 And he took her hand, lifting her up; and, sending for the saints and widows, he gave her to them, living.
42 And news of it went all through Joppa, and a number of people had faith in the Lord.
43 And he was living in Joppa for some time with Simon, a leather-worker.