1 Oh te mõistmatud galaatlased, kes teid on võlunud? Teid, kelle silmade ette Jeesus Kristus oli joonistatud ristilööduna?
2 Seda üksnes ma tahan teilt teada, kas te saite Vaimu käsu tegudest või usu kuulutamisest?
3 Kas te olete nii mõistmatud? Te algasite Vaimus; kas tahate nüüd lihas lõpetada?
4 Kas te nii suurt olete kannatanud ilmaasjata? Teisiti see olekski ilmaasjata!
5 Tema, kes siis annab teile Vaimu ja teeb vägevaid tegusid teie sees, kas Ta teeb seda käsu tegudest või usu kuulutamisest,
6 nõnda nagu „Aabraham uskus Jumalat, ja see arvati temale õiguseks!"?
7 Te ju teate, et need, kes on usust, on Aabrahami lapsed.
8 Aga et Kiri nägi ette ära, et Jumal teeb paganad usust õigeks, kuulutas see Aabrahamile selle hea sõnumi: „Sinus õnnistatakse kõik rahvad!"
9 Sellepärast õnnistatakse neid, kes on usust, ühes uskliku Aabrahamiga.
10 Sest kõik, kes endid rajavad käsutegudele, on needuse all; sest on kirjutatud: „Neetud on igaüks, kes ei püsi kõiges, mis on kirja pandud käsuraamatus, nii et ta seda teeks!"
11 Et nüüd käsu kaudu ükski ei saa õigeks Jumala ees, on ilmne, sest õige peab usust elama.
12 Käsk aga ei ole usust, vaid „kes teeb nende järgi, see elab nende varal!"
13 Kristus on meid lahti ostnud käsu needusest, kui ta sai needuseks meie eest — sest on kirjutatud: „Neetud on igaüks, kes puu küljes ripub" —
14 et Aabrahami õnnistus saaks paganaile osaks Jeesuses Kristuses ja me usu kaudu saaksime Vaimu tõotuse.
15 Vennad, mina räägin inimese viisil! Inimesegi viimset tahet, kui see on nimetatud, ei tee ükski tühjaks ega lisa sellele midagi juurde.
16 Aga nüüd on tõotused antud Aabrahamile ja tema soole. Ei ole mitte öeldud: „Ja sinu sugudele", otsekui paljude kohta, vaid nagu ühe kohta: „Ja sinu soole," kes on Kristus.
17 Aga ma ütlen seda: lepingut, mille Jumal on enne kinnitanud, ei tee nelisada kolmkümmend aastat hiljemini tekkinud käsk mitte tühjaks, nii et see hävitaks tõotuse.
18 Sest kui pärand tuleks käsust, ei oleks see enam tõotusest. Ent Jumal on selle kinkinud Aabrahamile tõotuse kaudu.
19 Milleks on siis käsk? See on üleastumiste pärast juurde lisatud seniks, kui tuleb sugu, kellele oli antud tõotus; ja käsk seati inglite kaudu vahemehe käe läbi.
20 Kuid vahemeest ei vajata ühe jaoks; ent Jumal on üks.
21 Kas siis käsk on Jumala tõotuste vastu? Ei sugugi. Sest kui oleks antud käsk, mis võiks teha elavaks, siis tuleks õigus tõesti käsust.
22 Aga Kiri on kõik pannud kinni patu alla, et tõotus antaks Jeesuse Kristuse usust neile, kes usuvad.
23 Aga enne kui tuli usk, olime käsu valve all, kinni pandud tulevase usu ilmumise jaoks.
24 Nõnda on käsk saanud meie kasvatajaks Kristuse poole, et me saaksime õigeks usust.
25 Aga et usk on tulnud, ei ole me mitte enam kasvataja all.
26 Sest te olete kõik usu kaudu Jumala lapsed Kristuses Jeesuses.
27 Sest nii paljud kui teid on Kristusesse ristitud, olete Kristusega riietatud!
28 Ei ole siin juuti ega kreeklast, ei ole siin orja ega vaba, ei ole siin meest ega naist, sest te kõik olete üks Kristuses Jeesuses.
29 Aga kui te olete Kristuse Omad, siis olete ka Aabrahami sugu ja pärijad tõotuse järgi.
1 O foolish Galatians, by what strange powers have you been tricked, to whom it was made clear that Jesus Christ was put to death on the cross?
2 Give me an answer to this one question, Did the Spirit come to you through the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
3 Are you so foolish? having made a start in the Spirit, will you now be made complete in the flesh?
4 Did you undergo such a number of things to no purpose? if it is in fact to no purpose.
5 He who gives you the Spirit, and does works of power among you, is it by the works of law, or by the hearing of faith?
6 Even as Abraham had faith in God, and it was put to his account as righteousness.
7 Be certain, then, that those who are of faith, the same are sons of Abraham.
8 And the holy Writings, seeing before the event that God would give the Gentiles righteousness by faith, gave the good news before to Abraham, saying, In you will all the nations have a blessing.
9 So then those who are of faith have a part in the blessing of Abraham who was full of faith.
10 For all who are of the works of the law are under a curse: because it is said in the Writings, A curse is on everyone who does not keep on doing all the things which are ordered in the book of the law.
11 Now that no man gets righteousness by the law in the eyes of God, is clear; because, The upright will be living by faith.
12 And the law is not of faith; but, He who does them will have life by them.
13 Christ has made us free from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us: because it is said in the Writings, A curse on everyone who is put to death by hanging on a tree:
14 So that on the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; in order that we through faith might have the Spirit which God had undertaken to give.
15 Brothers, as men would say, even a man's agreement, when it has been made certain, may not be put on one side, or have additions made to it.
16 Now to Abraham were the undertakings given, and to his seed. He says not, And to seeds, as of a great number; but as of one, he says, And to your seed, which is Christ.
17 Now this I say: The law, which came four hundred and thirty years after, does not put an end to the agreement made before by God, so as to make the undertaking without effect.
18 Because if the heritage is by the law, it is no longer dependent on the word of God; but God gave it to Abraham by his word.
19 What then is the law? It was an addition made because of sin, till the coming of the seed to whom the undertaking had been given; and it was ordered through angels by the hand of a go-between.
20 Now a go-between is not a go-between of one; but God is one.
21 Is the law then against the words of God? in no way; because if there had been a law which was able to give life, truly righteousness would have been by the law.
22 However, the holy Writings have put all things under sin, so that that for which God gave the undertaking, based on faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who have such faith.
23 But before faith came, we were kept in prison under the law, waiting for the revelation of the faith which was to come.
24 So the law has been a servant to take us to Christ, so that we might have righteousness by faith.
25 But now that faith is come, we are no longer under a servant.
26 Because you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For all those of you who were given baptism into Christ did put on Christ.
28 There is no Jew or Greek, servant or free, male or female: because you are all one in Jesus Christ.
29 And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and yours is the heritage by the right of God's undertaking given to Abraham.