1 Kui Aabram oli üheksakümmend üheksa aastat vana, siis Issand ilmutas Ennast Aabramile ja ütles temale: „Mina olen kõigeväeline Jumal, käi Minu palge ees ja ole vaga!
2 Ma teen lepingu Enese ja sinu vahel ja sind üpris väga paljuks!"
3 Siis Aabram heitis silmili maha ja Jumal rääkis temaga, öeldes:
4 „See olen Mina! Vaata, Mu leping sinuga on, et sina saad paljude rahvaste isaks!
5 Sinu nime ei hüüta siis enam Aabramiks, vaid su nimi olgu Aabraham, sest Ma teen sind paljude rahvaste isaks!
6 Ma teen sind üpris väga viljakaks ja lasen sind rahvaiks saada, kuningadki põlvnevad sinust!
7 Ma teen lepingu Enese ja sinu vahel, ja sinu soo vahel pärast sind, igaveseks lepinguks sugupõlvedele, et Ma olen Jumalaks sinule ja su soole pärast sind.
8 Ja Ma annan sinule ja su soole pärast sind selle maa, kus sa võõrana elad, kogu Kaananimaa, igaveseks omandiks. Ja Mina olen neile Jumalaks!"
9 Ja Jumal ütles Aabrahamile: „Ja sina pead Mu lepingut pidama, sina ja su sugu pärast sind põlvest põlve.
10 See on Minu leping Minu ja teie ning sinu soo vahel pärast sind, mida te peate pidama: kõik meesterahvad tuleb teil ümber lõigata!
11 Te peate oma eesnaha liha ümber lõikama ja see olgu Minu ja teie vahelise lepingu märgiks.
12 Kaheksapäevastena tuleb teil ümber lõigata kõik teie meesterahvad põlvkondade viisi, olgu peres sündinud, olgu raha eest ostetud ükskõik missuguselt võõralt, kes sinu soost ei ole,
13 kindlasti tuleb ümber lõigata niihästi su peres sündinu kui su raha eest ostetu. Minu leping peab teie ihu küljes olema igavese lepinguna!
14 Aga eesnahaga meesterahvas, kelle eesnaha liha ei ole ümber lõigatud, tuleb hävitada oma rahva seast: ta on tühistanud Minu lepingu!"
15 Ja Jumal ütles Aabrahamile: „Saaraid, oma naist, ära hüüa enam Saaraiks, vaid tema nimi olgu Saara!
16 Ma õnnistan teda ja annan ka temalt sulle poja! Ma õnnistan teda nõnda, et ta saab rahvaiks, rahvaste kuningadki põlvnevad temast!"
17 Siis Aabraham heitis silmili maha, naeris ja ütles oma südames: „Kas peaks saja-aastasele poeg sündima? Või peaks üheksakümneaastane Saara sünnitama?"
18 Ja Aabraham ütles Jumalale: „Kui ainult Ismaelgi sinu ees jääks elama!"
19 Siis ütles Jumal: „Siiski, su naine Saara sünnitab sulle poja ja sa pead panema temale nimeks Iisak. Ja Ma teen temaga lepingu, igaveseks lepinguks tema soole pärast teda!
20 Aga ka Ismaeli pärast Ma olen sind kuulnud. Vaata, Ma õnnistan teda ja teen ta viljakaks ning üpris väga arvurikkaks. Temast sünnib kaksteist vürsti ja Ma teen ta suureks rahvaks.
21 Kuid Oma lepingu Ma teen Iisakiga, kelle Saara sulle sünnitab tuleval aastal selsamal ajal!"
22 Kui Jumal oli lõpetanud kõneluse Aabrahamiga, siis Ta läks tema juurest üles.
23 Ja Aabraham võttis oma poja Ismaeli ja kõik oma peres sündinud, ja kõik raha eest ostetud, kõik meesterahvad Aabrahami pere inimeste hulgast, ja lõikas ümber nende eesnaha liha, otse selsamal päeval, nõnda nagu Jumal teda oli käskinud.
24 Aabraham oli üheksakümmend üheksa aastat vana, kui ta eesnaha liha ümber lõigati.
25 Ja Ismael, tema poeg, oli kolmteist aastat vana, kui ta eesnaha liha ümber lõigati.
26 Otse selsamal päeval lõigati ümber Aabraham ja tema poeg Ismael;
27 ja kõik ta pere mehed, peres sündinud ja võõrastelt raha eest ostetud, lõigati ümber koos temaga.
1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord came to him, and said, I am God, Ruler of all; go in my ways and be upright in all things,
2 And I will make an agreement between you and me, and your offspring will be greatly increased.
3 And Abram went down on his face on the earth, and the Lord God went on talking with him, and said,
4 As for me, my agreement is made with you, and you will be the father of nations without end.
5 No longer will your name be Abram, but Abraham, for I have made you the father of a number of nations.
6 I will make you very fertile, so that nations will come from you and kings will be your offspring.
7 And I will make between me and you and your seed after you through all generations, an eternal agreement to be a God to you and to your seed after you.
8 And to you and to your seed after you, I will give the land in which you are living, all the land of Canaan for an eternal heritage; and I will be their God.
9 And God said to Abraham, On your side, you are to keep the agreement, you and your seed after you through all generations.
10 And this is the agreement which you are to keep with me, you and your seed after you: every male among you is to undergo circumcision.
11 In the flesh of your private parts you are to undergo it, as a mark of the agreement between me and you.
12 Every male among you, from one generation to another, is to undergo circumcision when he is eight days old, with every servant whose birth takes place in your house, or for whom you gave money to someone of another country, and not of your seed.
13 He who comes to birth in your house and he who is made yours for a price, all are to undergo circumcision; so that my agreement may be marked in your flesh, an agreement for all time.
14 And any male who does not undergo circumcision will be cut off from his people: my agreement has been broken by him.
15 And God said, As for Sarai, your wife, from now her name will be not Sarai, but Sarah.
16 And I will give her a blessing so that you will have a son by her: truly my blessing will be on her, and she will be the mother of nations: kings of peoples will be her offspring.
17 Then Abraham went down on his face, and laughing, said in his heart, May a man a hundred years old have a child? will Sarah, at ninety years old, give birth?
18 And Abraham said to God, If only Ishmael's life might be your care!
19 And God said, Not so; but Sarah, your wife, will have a son, and you will give him the name Isaac, and I will make my agreement with him for ever and with his seed after him.
20 As for Ishmael, I have given ear to your prayer: truly I have given him my blessing and I will make him fertile and give him great increase; he will be the father of twelve chiefs, and I will make him a great nation.
21 But my agreement will be with Isaac, to whom Sarah will give birth a year from this time.
22 And having said these words, God went up from Abraham.
23 And Abraham took Ishmael, his son, and all whose birth had taken place in his house, and all his servants whom he had made his for a price, every male of his house, and on that very day he gave them circumcision in the flesh of their private parts as God had said to him.
24 Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he underwent circumcision.
25 And Ishmael, his son, was thirteen years old when he underwent circumcision.
26 Abraham and Ishmael, his son, underwent circumcision on that very day.
27 And all the men of his house, those whose birth had taken place in the house and those whom he had got for money from men of other lands, underwent circumcision with him.