1 Kui Aabraham oli vana ja elatanud ning Issand oli Aabrahami kõigiti õnnistanud,
2 siis ütles Aabraham vanimale sulasele oma peres, kes valitses kõige üle, mis tal oli: „Pane nüüd oma käsi mu puusa alla!
3 Mina vannutan sind Issanda, taeva Jumala ja maa Jumala juures, et sa mu pojale ei võta naist kaananlaste tütreist, kelle keskel ma elan,
4 vaid et sa lähed minu maale ja mu sugulaste juurde ning võtad sealt naise mu pojale Iisakile!"
5 Aga sulane ütles temale: „Võib-olla naine ei taha mulle järgneda siia maale. Kas ma siis tõesti pean su poja viima tagasi maale, kust sa oled ära tulnud?"
6 Siis ütles Aabraham temale: „Hoia, et sa ei vii mu poega sinna tagasi!
7 Issand, taeva Jumal, Kes mind võttis mu isakojast ja mu sünnimaalt ja Kes mulle rääkis ning vandus, öeldes: sinu soole ma annan selle maa! — Tema Ise läkitab Oma Ingli sinu ees, et saaksid sealt mu pojale naise võtta.
8 Aga kui naine ei taha sulle järgneda, siis oled sa sellest mu vandest vaba. Ainult ära vii mu poega sinna tagasi!"
9 Siis sulane pani käe oma isanda Aabrahami puusa alla ja vandus temale selle kõne kohaselt.
10 Ja sulane võttis oma isanda kaamelitest kümme kaamelit ning läks, ja tal oli oma isandalt kaasas kõiksugu kalleid asju; ta võttis kätte ja läks Mesopotaamiasse Naahori linna.
11 Seal laskis ta õhtul kaamelid põlvili heita väljaspool linna veekaevu juures sel ajal, kui veeviijad välja tulid,
12 ning ütles: „Issand, minu isanda Aabrahami Jumal, lase ometi see mul täna korda minna ja tee head mu isandale Aabrahamile!
13 Vaata, ma seisan veeallika juures ja linnaelanike tütred tulevad vett viima.
14 Sündigu siis, et tütarlaps, kellele ma ütlen: kalluta oma kruusi, et ma saaksin juua! ja kes vastab: joo, ja ma joodan ka su kaameleid! — on see, kelle sa oled määranud oma sulasele Iisakile. Sellest ma siis tean, et sa mu isandale oled head teinud."
15 Ja veel enne kui ta rääkimise oli lõpetanud, vaata, siis tuli välja Rebeka, kes oli sündinud Betuelile, Aabrahami venna Naahori naise Milka pojale; ja tal oli kruus õlal.
16 Ja tütarlaps oli väga ilusa välimusega, alles neitsi ja mehe poolt puutumata. Ta läks alla allika juurde, täitis kruusi ja tuli üles.
17 Siis jooksis sulane temale vastu ning ütles: „Anna mulle oma kruusist pisut vett rüübata!"
18 Tema vastas: „Joo, mu isand!" Ja ta tõstis kähku kruusi alla oma käele ning andis temale juua.
19 Ja olles temale juua andnud, ütles ta: „Ma ammutan ka su kaamelitele, kuni needki on joonud."
20 Ja ta tühjendas kähku oma kruusi künasse ning jooksis jälle kaevule vett ammutama ja ammutas kõigile ta kaamelitele.
21 Mees aga silmitses teda vaikides, et mõista, kas Issand oli ta teekonna lasknud korda minna või mitte.
22 Ja kui kaamelid olid joonud, võttis mees kuldrõnga, pooleseeklilise, ja kaks käevõru ta käte jaoks, kümme kuldseeklit väärt,
23 ning küsis: „Kelle tütar sa oled? Ütle ometi mulle! Ons su isa kojas meile ööbimispaika?"
24 Ja ta vastas temale: „Mina olen Betueli, Naahori ja Milka poja tütar."
25 Ta ütles temale veel: „Niihästi õlgi kui muud loomasööta on meil küllalt, ööbimispaikki on olemas."
26 Siis mees kummardas ja heitis Issanda ette
27 ning ütles: „Kiidetud olgu Issand, mu isanda Aabrahami Jumal, Kes mu isandale ei ole keelanud Oma heldust ja tõde! Issand on mind teekonnal juhtinud mu isanda vendade kotta!"
28 Aga tütarlaps jooksis ning teatas oma ema perele, mis oli sündinud.
29 Ja Rebekal oli vend, Laaban nimi; ja Laaban jooksis välja, mehe juurde allikale.
30 Sest kui ta nägi rõngast ja käevõrusid oma õe kätel, ja kui ta oli kuulnud oma õe Rebeka sõnu, kes ütles: „Nõnda rääkis mulle see mees!" — siis ta läks selle mehe juurde, ja ennäe, see seisis kaamelite juures allikal!
31 Ja ta ütles: „Tule sisse, Issanda õnnistatu! Miks sa väljas seisad? Ma olen korda seadnud koja ja kaamelite paiga."
32 Mees tuli siis kotta ja Laaban päästis kaamelid lahti, andis õlgi ja toitu kaamelitele ning tõi vett tema ja ühes temaga olevate meeste jalgade pesemiseks.
33 Siis pandi temale rooga ette. Aga ta ütles: „Ma ei söö enne kui ma oma asja olen rääkinud!" Ja talle vastati: „Räägi!"
34 Siis ta ütles: „Mina olen Aabrahami sulane.
35 Issand on mu isandat väga õnnistanud, nõnda et ta on jõukaks saanud: Ta on temale andnud pudulojuseid ja veiseid, hõbedat ja kulda, sulaseid ja ümmardajaid, kaameleid ja eesleid.
36 Ja Saara, mu isanda naine, on vanas eas mu isandale poja ilmale toonud, ja sellele on ta andnud kõik, mis tal on.
37 Ja mu isand vannutas mind, öeldes: sa ei tohi võtta mu pojale naist kaananlaste tütarde seast, kelle maal ma elan,
38 vaid sa pead minema mu isakotta ja mu suguvõsa juurde ning sealt võtma naise mu pojale!
39 Aga mina ütlesin oma isandale: võib-olla naine ei tule minuga?
40 Siis ta vastas mulle: Issand, Kelle palge ees ma olen käinud, läkitab Oma Ingli sinuga ja laseb su teekonna korda minna, et saad mu pojale naise võtta minu suguvõsast ja minu isakojast.
41 Mu vandest sa vabaned sel juhul, kui sa tuled mu suguvõsa juurde, aga nemad ei anna sulle, siis oled mu vandest vaba.
42 Ma jõudsin täna allika juurde ja ütlesin: Issand, mu isanda Aabrahami Jumal, kui Sa nüüd tahad korda saata mu teekonna, mida ma käin,
43 siis vaata, ma seisan veeallika juures. Kui üks neitsi tuleb vett viima ja ma temale ütlen: anna mulle oma kruusist pisut vett juua!
44 ja kui tema mulle vastab: joo ise, ja ma ammutan ka su kaamelitele! siis on tema see naine, kelle Issand on määranud mu isanda pojale.
45 Veel enne kui olin kõneluse iseenesega lõpetanud, vaata, siis tuli Rebeka, kruus õlal, ja läks alla allika juurde ning ammutas vett. Ja ma ütlesin temale: anna mulle juua!
46 Siis ta tõstis kähku kruusi õlalt alla ning ütles: joo, ja ma joodan ka su kaameleid. Ja mina jõin ning tema jootis mu kaameleid.
47 Ja ma küsisin temalt ning ütlesin: kelle tütar sa oled? Ja tema vastas: Betueli, Naahori ja Milka poja tütar. Siis ma panin temale rõnga ninasse ja käevõrud kätele,
48 kummardasin ning heitsin Issanda ette ja kiitsin Issandat, oma isanda Aabrahami Jumalat, Kes mind oli juhatanud õigele teele, et saaksin võtta oma isanda vennatütre ta pojale.
49 Ja kui te nüüd tahate osutada heldust ja truudust mu isandale, siis öelge mulle. Aga kui mitte, öelge sedagi mulle, ja ma pöördun siis kas paremat või vasakut kätt!"
50 Seepeale vastasid Laaban ja Betuel ning ütlesid: „Issandalt on see asi alguse saanud! Me ei või sulle sõnagi lausuda, ei halba ega head.
51 Vaata, Rebeka on su ees, võta tema ja mine! Saagu ta naiseks su isanda pojale, nõnda nagu Issand on öelnud!"
52 Kui Aabrahami sulane kuulis nende sõnu, siis ta kummardas maani Issanda ees.
53 Ja sulane võttis välja hõbe- ja kuldriistad ja riided ning andis Rebekale; ka tema vennale ja emale andis ta kalleid asju.
54 Siis nad sõid ja jõid, tema ja mehed, kes ühes temaga olid, ja nad ööbisid seal. Aga hommikul, kui nad olid tõusnud, ütles ta: „Saatke mind nüüd mu isanda juurde!"
55 Aga tütarlapse vend ja ema vastasid: „Jäägu tütarlaps veel mõneks ajaks, kas või kümneks päevakski meie juurde. Siis sa võid minna."
56 Kuid tema ütles neile: „Ärge mind viivitage, sest Issand on lasknud mu teekonna korda minna. Saatke mind teele, et saaksin minna oma isanda juurde!"
57 Siis nad ütlesid: „Me kutsume tütarlapse ja küsime tema suust!"
58 Ja nad kutsusid Rebeka ning küsisid temalt: „Kas tahad minna ühes selle mehega?" Ja ta vastas: „Ma lähen!"
59 Siis nad saatsid ära oma õe Rebeka ja tema imetaja, ja Aabrahami sulase ja tema mehed.
60 Ja nad õnnistasid Rebekat ning ütlesid temale: „Õeke, sinust tulgu tuhat korda kümme tuhat, ja sinu sugu vallutagu oma vihameeste väravad!"
61 Siis Rebeka ja tema tüdrukud tõusid, istusid kaamelite selga ning järgnesid mehele. Nõnda võttis sulane Rebeka ja läks.
62 Iisak aga oli tulemas Lahhai-Roi kaevu poolt, sest ta elas Lõunamaal.
63 Ja Iisak oli vastu õhtut läinud väljale mõtisklema; ja kui ta oma silmad üles tõstis ja vaatas, ennäe, siis tulid kaamelid!
64 Kui Rebeka oma silmad üles tõstis ja nägi Iisakit, siis ta laskus kaameli seljast
65 ning küsis sulaselt: „Kes on see mees, kes meile väljal vastu tuleb?" Ja sulane vastas: „See on mu isand!" Siis Rebeka võttis loori ja kattis ennast.
66 Ja sulane jutustas Iisakile kõigest, mis ta oli teinud.
67 Ja Iisak viis Rebeka oma ema Saara telki; ja ta võttis Rebeka, see sai tema naiseks ja ta armastas teda. Nõnda leidis Iisak troosti pärast oma ema surma.
1 Now Abraham was old and far on in years: and the Lord had given him everything in full measure.
2 And Abraham said to his chief servant, the manager of all his property, Come now, put your hand under my leg:
3 And take an oath by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of the earth, that you will not get a wife for my son Isaac from the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I am living;
4 But that you will go into my country and to my relations and get a wife there for my son Isaac.
5 And the servant said, If by chance the woman will not come with me into this land, am I to take your son back again to the land from which you came?
6 And Abraham said, Take care that you do not let my son go back to that land.
7 The Lord God of heaven, who took me from my father's house and from the land of my birth, and made an oath to me, saying, To your seed I will give this land: he will send his angel before you and give you a wife for my son in that land.
8 And if the woman will not come with you, then you are free from this oath; only do not take my son back there.
9 And the servant put his hand under Abraham's leg, and gave him his oath about this thing.
10 And the servant took ten of his master's camels, and all sorts of good things of his master's, and went to Mesopotamia, to the town of Nahor.
11 And he made the camels take their rest outside the town by the water-spring in the evening, at the time when the women came to get water.
12 And he said, O Lord, the God of my master Abraham, let me do well in what I have undertaken this day, and give your mercy to my master Abraham.
13 See, I am waiting here by the water-spring; and the daughters of the town are coming out to get water:
14 Now, may the girl to whom I say, Let down your vessel and give me a drink, and who says in answer, Here is a drink for you and let me give water to your camels: may she be the one marked out by you for your servant Isaac: so may I be certain that you have been good to my master Abraham.
15 And even before his words were ended, Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, who was the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, came out with her water-vessel on her arm.
16 She was a very beautiful girl, a virgin, who had never been touched by a man: and she went down to the spring to get water in her vessel.
17 And the servant came running to her and said, Give me a little water from your vessel.
18 And she said, Take a drink, my lord: and quickly letting down her vessel onto her hand, she gave him a drink.
19 And having done so, she said, I will get water for your camels till they have had enough.
20 And after putting the water from her vessel into the animals' drinking-place, she went quickly back to the spring and got water for all the camels.
21 And the man, looking at her, said nothing, waiting to see if the Lord had given his journey a good outcome.
22 And when the camels had had enough, the man took a gold nose-ring, half a shekel in weight, and two ornaments for her arms of ten shekels weight of gold;
23 And said to her, Whose daughter are you? is there room in your father's house for us?
24 And she said to him, I am the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, Nahor's wife.
25 And she said, We have a great store of dry grass and cattle-food, and there is room for you.
26 And with bent head the man gave worship to the Lord;
27 And said, Praise be to the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who has given a sign that he is good and true to my master, by guiding me straight to the house of my master's family.
28 So the girl went running and took the news of these things to her mother's house
29 Now Rebekah had a brother named Laban, and he came out quickly to the man at the water-spring.
30 And when he saw the nose-ring and the ornaments on his sister's hands, and when she gave him word of what the man had said to her, then he went out to the man who was waiting with the camels by the water-spring.
31 And he said to him, Come in, you on whom is the blessing of the Lord; why are you waiting outside? for I have made the house ready for you, and a place for the camels.
32 Then the man came into the house, and Laban took their cords off the camels and gave them dry grass and food, and he gave to him and the men who were with him water for washing their feet.
33 And meat was put before him, but he said, I will not take food till I have made my business clear to you. And they said, Do so.
34 And he said, I am Abraham's servant.
35 The Lord has given my master every blessing, and he has become great: he has given him flocks and herds and silver and gold, and men-servants and women-servants and camels and asses.
36 And when Sarah, my master's wife, was old, she gave birth to a son, to whom he has given all he has.
37 And my master made me take an oath, saying, Do not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I am living;
38 But go to my father's house and to my relations for a wife for my son.
39 And I said to my master, What if the woman will not come with me?
40 And he said, The Lord, whom I have ever kept before me, will send his angel with you, who will make it possible for you to get a wife for my son from my relations and my father's house;
41 And you will be free from your oath to me when you come to my people; and if they will not give her to you, you will be free from your oath.
42 And I came today to the water-spring, and I said, O Lord, the God of my master Abraham, if it is your purpose to give a good outcome to my journey,
43 Let it come about that, while I am waiting here by the water-spring, if a girl comes to get water and I say to her, Give me a little water from your vessel, and she says,
44 Take a drink, and I will get water for your camels; let her be the woman marked out by the Lord for my master's son.
45 And even while I was saying this to myself, Rebekah came out with her vessel on her arm; and she went down to the spring to get water; and I said to her, Give me a drink.
46 And straight away she took down her vessel from her arm, and said, Take a drink, and I will get water for your camels.
47 And questioning her, I said, Whose daughter are you? And she said, The daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor, and Milcah his wife. Then I put the ring on her nose and the ornaments on her hands.
48 And with bent head I gave worship and praise to the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, by whom I had been guided in the right way, to get the daughter of my master's brother for his son.
49 And now, say if you will do what is good and right for my master or not, in order that it may be clear to me what I have to do.
50 Then Laban and Bethuel said in answer, This is the Lord's doing: it is not for us to say Yes or No to you.
51 See, here is Rebekah: take her and go, and let her be your master's son's wife, as the Lord has said.
52 And at these words, Abraham's servant went down on his face and gave praise to the Lord.
53 Then he took jewels of silver and jewels of gold and fair robes and gave them to Rebekah: and he gave things of value to her mother and her brother.
54 Then he and the men who were with him had food and drink, and took their rest there that night; and in the morning he got up, and said, Let me now go back to my master.
55 But her brother and her mother said, Let the girl be with us a week or ten days, and then she may go.
56 And he said, Do not keep me; the Lord has given a good outcome to my journey; let me now go back to my master.
57 And they said, We will send for the girl, and let her make the decision.
58 And they sent for Rebekah and said to her, Are you ready to go with this man? And she said, I am ready.
59 So they sent their sister Rebekah and her servant with Abraham's servant and his men.
60 And they gave Rebekah their blessing, saying, O sister, may you be the mother of thousands and ten thousands; and may your seed overcome all those who make war against them.
61 So Rebekah and her servant-women went with the man, seated on the camels; and so the servant took Rebekah and went on his way.
62 Now Isaac had come through the waste land to Beer-lahai-roi; for he was living in the South.
63 And when the evening was near, he went wandering out into the fields, and lifting up his eyes he saw camels coming.
64 And when Rebekah, looking up, saw Isaac, she got down from her camel,
65 And said to the servant, Who is that man coming to us through the field? And the servant said, It is my master: then she took her veil, covering her face with it.
66 Then the servant gave Isaac the story of all he had done.
67 And Isaac took Rebekah into his tent and she became his wife; and in his love for her, Isaac was comforted after his father's death.