1 Ja Jaakob läks teele ning jõudis hommikumaa poegade maale.
2 Ta vaatas, ja ennäe, väljal oli kaev! Ja vaata, sealsamas, selle kõrval, lebas kolm pudulojuste karja, sest sellest kaevust joodeti karju; kaevu suul aga oli suur kivi.
3 Kui kõik karjad olid kogunenud sinna, siis veeretati kivi kaevu suult, joodeti pudulojuseid ja seati kivi tagasi paika kaevu suule.
4 Ja Jaakob küsis neilt: „Vennad, kust te olete?" Ja nad vastasid: „Me oleme Haaranist."
5 Siis ta küsis neilt: „Kas tunnete Laabanit, Naahori poega?" Ja nad vastasid: „Tunneme küll!"
6 Ta küsis neilt: „Kuidas ta käsi käib?" Ja nad vastasid: „Hästi! Ja näe, sealt tuleb tema tütar Raahel pudulojustega!"
7 Ta ütles: „Vaata, päike on alles kõrgel, pole veel aeg karja kokku ajada. Jootke pudulojuseid ja minge söötke neid!"
8 Aga nad vastasid: „Me ei saa enne kui kõik karjad on koos. Siis veeretatakse kivi kaevu suult ja me saame joota pudulojuseid."
9 Kui ta alles nendega rääkis, tuli Raahel oma isa pudulojustega, sest ta oli neid hoidmas.
10 Ja kui Jaakob nägi Raahelit, oma ema venna Laabani tütart ja oma ema venna Laabani pudulojuseid, siis Jaakob astus ligi ja veeretas kivi kaevu suult ning jootis oma ema venna Laabani pudulojuseid.
11 Siis Jaakob suudles Raahelit, tõstis häält ja nuttis.
12 Ja Jaakob andis Raahelile teada, et ta on tema isa sugulane ja Rebeka poeg; ja Raahel jooksis ning teatas oma isale.
13 Ja kui Laaban kuulis sõnumit oma õepojast Jaakobist, siis ta jooksis temale vastu, kaelustas ja suudles teda ning viis ta oma kotta; ja ta jutustas Laabanile kõik, mis oli sündinud.
14 Siis ütles Laaban temale: „Sa oled tõesti minu luu ja liha!" Ja ta jäi tema juurde kuuks ajaks.
15 Ja Laaban ütles Jaakobile: „Kas sa sellepärast, et oled mu sugulane, peaksid mind teenima ilma palgata? Nimeta mulle oma palk!"
16 Laabanil aga oli kaks tütart; vanema nimi oli Lea ja noorema nimi oli Raahel.
17 Leal olid läiketa silmad, aga Raahel oli jumekas ja ilusa välimusega.
18 Jaakob armastas Raahelit, seepärast ta ütles: „Ma teenin sind seitse aastat su noorema tütre Raaheli pärast!"
19 Laaban vastas: „Ma annan ta parem sinule kui mõnele teisele mehele. Jää minu juurde."
20 Ja Jaakob teenis Raaheli pärast seitse aastat, ja need olid tema silmis nagu üksikud päevad, sellepärast et ta teda armastas.
21 Siis Jaakob ütles Laabanile: „Anna mu naine mulle kätte, sest aeg on täis, et ma võin minna tema juurde!"
22 Laaban koguski kokku kõik selle paiga mehed ja tegi peo.
23 Aga õhtul ta võttis oma tütre Lea ja viis selle tema juurde; ja Jaakob heitis ta juurde.
24 Ja Laaban andis oma ümmardaja Silpa oma tütrele Leale ümmardajaks.
25 Jõudis hommik, ja vaata, see oli Lea! Siis ütles Jaakob Laabanile: „Mis sa mulle oled teinud! Eks ma ole Raaheli pärast sind teeninud? Mispärast sa mind petsid?"
26 Aga Laaban vastas: „Ei ole meie pool kombeks anda noorem enne vanemat!
27 Pea sellega pulmanädal ära, siis me anname ka teise sulle teenistuse eest, kui sa mind veel teist seitse aastat teenid!"
28 Ja Jaakob tegi nõnda ning pidas sellega pulmanädala ära, siis ta andis oma tütre Raaheli temale naiseks.
29 Ja Laaban andis oma ümmardaja Billa oma tütrele Raahelile ümmardajaks.
30 Siis Jaakob heitis ka Raaheli juurde, ta armastas ju Raahelit ikkagi rohkem kui Leat; ja ta teenis Laabanit veel teist seitse aastat.
31 Ent kui Issand nägi, et Lea hüljati, siis ta avas tema üsa; Raahel aga oli viljatu.
32 Ja Lea sai käima peale ja tõi poja ilmale ning pani temale nimeks Ruuben, sest ta ütles: „Issand on mu alandust näinud! Küllap mu mees hakkab nüüd mind armastama!"
33 Ja ta sai taas käima peale ja tõi poja ilmale ning ütles: „Issand on kuulnud, et mind hüljati! Seepärast on ta mulle ka selle andnud!" Ja ta pani temale nimeks Siimeon.
34 Ja tema sai taas käima peale ja tõi poja ilmale ning ütles: „Nüüd viimaks mu mees kiindub minusse, sest ma olen temale kolm poega ilmale toonud!" Seepärast pandi sellele nimeks Leevi.
35 Ja tema sai taas käima peale ja tõi poja ilmale ning ütles: „Nüüd ma kiidan Issandat!" Seepärast ta pani temale nimeks Juuda. Siis ta lakkas sünnitamast.
1 Then Jacob went on his journey till he came to the land of the children of the East.
2 And there he saw a water-hole in a field, and by the side of it three flocks of sheep, for there they got water for the sheep: and on the mouth of the water-hole there was a great stone.
3 And all the flocks would come together there, and when the stone had been rolled away, they would give the sheep water, and put the stone back again in its place on the mouth of the water-hole.
4 Then Jacob said to the herdmen, My brothers, where do you come from? And they said, From Haran.
5 And he said to them, Have you any knowledge of Laban, the son of Nahor? And they said, We have.
6 And he said to them, Is he well? And they said, He is well, and here is Rachel his daughter coming with the sheep.
7 Then Jacob said, The sun is still high and it is not time to get the cattle together: get water for the sheep and go and give them their food.
8 And they said, We are not able to do so till all the flocks have come together and the stone has been rolled away from the mouth of the water-hole; then we will get water for the sheep.
9 While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep, for she took care of them.
10 Then when Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter of Laban, his mother's brother, coming with Laban's sheep, he came near, and rolling the stone away from the mouth of the hole, he got water for Laban's flock.
11 And weeping for joy, Jacob gave Rachel a kiss.
12 And Rachel, hearing from Jacob that he was her father's relation and that he was the son of Rebekah, went running to give her father news of it.
13 And Laban, hearing news of Jacob, his sister's son, came running, and took Jacob in his arms, and kissing him, made him come into his house. And Jacob gave him news of everything.
14 And Laban said to him, Truly, you are my bone and my flesh. And he kept Jacob with him for the space of a month.
15 Then Laban said to Jacob, Because you are my brother are you to be my servant for nothing? say now, what is your payment to be?
16 Now Laban had two daughters: the name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel.
17 And Leah's eyes were clouded, but Rachel was fair in face and form.
18 And Jacob was in love with Rachel; and he said, I will be your servant seven years for Rachel, your younger daughter.
19 And Laban said, It is better for you to have her than another man: go on living here with me.
20 And Jacob did seven years' work for Rachel; and because of his love for her it seemed to him only a very little time.
21 Then Jacob said to Laban, Give me my wife so that I may have her, for the days are ended.
22 And Laban got together all the men of the place and gave a feast.
23 And in the evening he took Leah, his daughter, and gave her to him, and he went in to her.
24 And Laban gave Zilpah, his servant-girl, to Leah, to be her waiting-woman.
25 And in the morning Jacob saw that it was Leah: and he said to Laban, What have you done to me? was I not working for you so that I might have Rachel? why have you been false to me?
26 And Laban said, In our country we do not let the younger daughter be married before the older.
27 Let the week of the bride-feast come to its end and then we will give you the other in addition, if you will be my servant for another seven years.
28 And Jacob did so; and when the week was ended, Laban gave him his daughter Rachel for his wife.
29 And Laban gave Rachel his servant-girl Bilhah to be her waiting-woman.
30 Then Jacob took Rachel as his wife, and his love for her was greater than his love for Leah; and he went on working for Laban for another seven years.
31 Now the Lord, seeing that Leah was not loved, gave her a child; while Rachel had no children.
32 And Leah was with child, and gave birth to a son to whom she gave the name Reuben: for she said, The Lord has seen my sorrow; now my husband will have love for me.
33 Then she became with child again, and gave birth to a son; and said, Because it has come to the Lord's ears that I am not loved, he has given me this son in addition: and she gave him the name Simeon.
34 And she was with child again, and gave birth to a son; and said, Now at last my husband will be united to me, because I have given him three sons: so he was named Levi.
35 And she was with child again, and gave birth to a son: and she said, This time I will give praise to the Lord: so he was named Judah; after this she had no more children for a time.