1 Aga ta kuulis Laabani poegade kõnelusi, kes ütlesid: „Jaakob on ära võtnud kõik, mis oli meie isa päralt. Sellest, mis oli meie isa päralt, on ta enesele soetanud kõik selle rikkuse!"
2 Ja Jaakob nägi Laabani palet, ja vaata, see ei olnud enam ta vastu nagu enne!
3 Siis Issand ütles Jaakobile: „Mine tagasi oma isade maale ja oma sugulaste seltsi. Mina olen sinuga!"
4 Ja Jaakob läkitas sõna ning käskis kutsuda oma pudulojuste juurde väljale Raaheli ja Lea
5 ning ütles neile: „Ma näen teie isa palgest, et ta ei ole enam mu vastu nagu enne. Aga mu isa Jumal oli mu juures!
6 Te ju teate, et ma olen teeninud teie isa kõigest väest.
7 Kuid teie isa narritas mind ja muutis mu palka kümme korda. Jumal aga ei ole lubanud teda mulle kurja teha.
8 Kui ta ütles nõnda: tähnilised saagu sinule palgaks, siis kõik pudulojused poegisid tähnilisi. Ja kui ta ütles nõnda: keerdsabalised saagu sinule palgaks, siis kõik pudulojused poegisid keerdsabalisi.
9 Nõnda võttis Jumal teie isa karja ja andis mulle.
10 Pudulojuste innaajal ma tõstsin oma silmad üles ja nägin unes, vaata, et jäärad, kes kargasid pudulojuseid, olid keerdsabalised, tähnilised ja nastlikud.
11 Ja Jumala Ingel ütles mulle unes: Jaakob! Ja ma vastasin: siin ma olen!
12 Siis Ta ütles: tõsta ometi oma silmad üles ja vaata: kõik jäärad, kes kargavad pudulojuseid, on keerdsabalised, tähnilised ja nastlikud, sest Ma olen näinud kõike, mis Laaban sulle teeb!
13 Mina olen Peeteli Jumal, kus sa võidsid samba, kus sa andsid Mulle tõotuse. Võta nüüd kätte, lahku siit maalt ja mine tagasi oma sünnimaale!"
14 Siis Raahel ja Lea vastasid ning ütlesid temale: „Kas meil ongi enam osa või omandit meie isakojas?
15 Eks ta ole pidanud meid võõraks, kuna ta meid müüs ja ise muidugi ka meie hinna ära sõi?
16 Jah, kõik see rikkus, mille Jumal meie isalt ära võttis, on meie ja meie laste oma. Ja nüüd tee kõik, mis Jumal sulle on öelnud!"
17 Ja Jaakob võttis kätte, tõstis oma lapsed ja naised kaamelite selga
18 ja saatis teele kogu oma karja ja kõik oma varanduse, mis ta oli kogunud, oma karjavaranduse, mis ta Mesopotaamias oli soetanud, et minna oma isa Iisaki juurde Kaananimaale.
19 Aga Laaban oli läinud pudulojuseid niitma. Ja Raahel varastas oma isa teeravikujud.
20 Jaakob kasutas süürlase Laabani teadmatust ega andnud temale märku, et ta põgeneb.
21 Nõnda ta siis põgenes ühes kõigega, mis tal oli, võttis kätte ja läks üle jõe ning siirdus Gileadi mäestiku poole.
22 Aga kolmandal päeval anti Laabanile teada, et Jaakob oli põgenenud.
23 Tema võttis siis enesega ühes oma suguvennad ja ajas teda taga seitse päevateekonda ning jõudis Gileadi mäestikus temale järele.
24 Kuid Jumal tuli süürlase Laabani juurde öösel unes ja ütles temale: „Hoia, et sa Jaakobile ei ütle head ega halba!"
25 Kui Laaban Jaakobile järele jõudis, oli Jaakob mäestikus telgi üles löönud, ja Laabangi suguvendadega lõi telgi üles Gileadi mäestikku.
26 Ja Laaban ütles Jaakobile: „Mis sa oled teinud? Sa kasutasid mu teadmatust ja viisid ära mu tütred, nagu oleksid nad olnud mõõga abil vangistatud!
27 Miks sa põgenesid salaja ja vargsil viisil ega teatanud mulle, et oleksin saanud sind rõõmsasti ära saata laulude, trummi ja kandlega?
28 Sa ei lasknud mind suudelda oma poegi ja tütreid! Sa oled nüüd talitanud mõistmatult.
29 Mul oleks meelevald teha teile kurja! Aga teie isa Jumal rääkis minuga eile öösel, öeldes: hoia, et sa Jaakobile ei ütle head ega halba!
30 Nüüd oled sa küll läinud oma teed, sellepärast et sa igatsesid nii väga oma isakoja järele. Aga mispärast sa varastasid mu jumalad?"
31 Ja Jaakob vastas ning ütles Laabanile: „Sellepärast et ma kartsin! Sest ma mõtlesin, et sa röövid minult oma tütred.
32 See, kelle juurest sa leiad oma jumalad, ärgu jäägu elama! Meie suguvendade ees otsi läbi, mis mul kaasas on, ja võta ära, mis on sinu!" Aga Jaakob ei teadnud, et Raahel oli need varastanud.
33 Ja Laaban läks Jaakobi telki ja Lea telki ja mõlemate ümmardajate telki, aga ei leidnud midagi; ja Lea telgist väljudes ta läks Raaheli telki.
34 Kuid Raahel oli võtnud teeravid ja oli pannud need kaameli sadula tasku ning istus ise nende peal. Ja Laaban kompas läbi kogu telgi, aga ei leidnud midagi.
35 Ja Raahel ütles oma isale: „Ärgu süttigu viha mu isanda silmis, et ma ei saa su ees üles tõusta, sest mul on naiste asjad!" Nõnda ta otsis läbi, aga teeraveid ta ei leidnud.
36 Siis Jaakob vihastus ja riidles Laabaniga. Ja Jaakob kostis ning ütles Laabanile: „Milles seisneb mu üleastumine? Mis on mu patt, et oled mind nii tulisi jalu taga ajanud?
37 Kuna sa oled läbi otsinud kogu mu kraami, siis missuguse oma koja riista sa oled leidnud? Pane siia minu suguvendade ja oma suguvendade ette, et nad võiksid õigust mõista meie mõlemate vahel!
38 Ma olin sinu juures kakskümmend aastat! Su emalambad ja kitsed ei heitnud loodet ja jääri su karjast ma ei söönud.
39 Murtut ma sulle ei toonud, ma pidin selle hüvitama. Sa nõudsid minult niihästi päeval kui öösel varastatut!
40 Päeval piinas mind palavus ja öösel külm, ja uni põgenes mu silmist!
41 Nüüd ma olen olnud su kojas kakskümmend aastat. Neliteist aastat ma teenisin sind su kahe tütre pärast ja kuus aastat pudulojuste pärast, ja sa muutsid mu palka kümme korda!
42 Kui minuga ei oleks olnud mu isa Jumal, Aabrahami Jumal, Iisaki Kartus, siis oleksid sa mind nüüd tühje käsi ära saatnud. Jumal on näinud mu häda ja mu kätevaeva ja on eile öösel teinud otsuse!"
43 Siis Laaban kostis ja ütles Jaakobile: „Tütred on minu tütred ja pojad on minu pojad ja pudulojused on minu pudulojused, ja kõik, mis sa näed, on minu! Aga mida ma saaksin praegu teha oma tütarde heaks või nende poegade heaks, keda nad on ilmale toonud?
44 Aga tule nüüd, tehkem leping, mina ja sina, ja see olgu tunnistajaks minu ja sinu vahel!"
45 Siis Jaakob võttis ühe kivi ja pani sambaks püsti.
46 Ja Jaakob ütles oma suguvendadele: „Korjake kive!" Ja need võtsid kive ning kuhjasid kivikangru; ja nad sõid seal kivikangru peal.
47 Ja Laaban pani sellele nimeks Jegar-Sahaduuta; Jaakob aga nimetas selle Galeediks.
48 Ja Laaban ütles: „See kivikangur olgu täna tunnistajaks minu ja sinu vahel!" Seepärast ta pani sellele nimeks Galeed
49 ja Mispa, sest ta ütles: „Issand valvab minu ja sinu vahel, kui me üksteist enam ei näe!
50 Kui sa kohtled mu tütreid halvasti või võtad mu tütarde kõrvale teisi naisi, ilma et ükski inimene oleks meie juures, vaata, siis on Jumal ometi tunnistajaks minu ja sinu vahel!"
51 Siis ütles Laaban Jaakobile: „Vaata, see kivikangur, ja vaata, see sammas, mille ma püstitasin enese ja sinu vahele, —
52 see kivikangur olgu tunnistajaks, samuti olgu see sammas tunnistajaks, et mina ei tohi tulla sellest kivikangrust mööda sinu juurde ja et sina ei tohi tulla sellest kivikangrust ja sambast mööda minu juurde kurja tegema!
53 Aabrahami Jumal ja Naahori Jumal, nende vanemate Jumal, mõistku kohut meie vahel!" Ja Jaakob vandus oma isa Iisaki Kartuse juures.
54 Ja Jaakob ohverdas mäe peal tapaohvri ning kutsus oma suguvennad leiba võtma. Ja nad võtsid leiba ning jäid ööseks mäele.
1 Now it came to the ears of Jacob that Laban's sons were saying, Jacob has taken away all our father's property, and in this way he has got all this wealth.
2 And Jacob saw that Laban's feeling for him was no longer what it had been before.
3 Then the Lord said to Jacob, Go back to the land of your fathers, and to your relations, and I will be with you.
4 And Jacob sent for Rachel and Leah to come to him in the field among his flock.
5 And he said to them, It is clear to me that your father's feeling is no longer what it was to me; but the God of my father has been with me
6 And you have seen how I have done all in my power for your father,
7 But your father has not kept faith with me, and ten times he has made changes in my payment; but God has kept him from doing me damage.
8 If he said, All those in the flock which have marks are to be yours, then all the flock gave birth to marked young; and if he said, All the banded ones are to be yours, then all the flock had banded young.
9 So God has taken away your father's cattle and has given them to me.
10 And at the time when the flock were with young, I saw in a dream that all the he-goats which were joined with the she-goats were banded and marked and coloured.
11 And in my dream the angel of the Lord said to me, Jacob: and I said, Here am I.
12 And he said, See how all the he-goats are banded and marked and coloured: for I have seen what Laban has done to you.
13 I am the God of Beth-el, where you put oil on the pillar and took an oath to me: now then, come out of this land and go back to the country of your birth.
14 Then Rachel and Leah said to him in answer, What part or heritage is there for us in our father's house?
15 Are we not as people from a strange country to him? for he took a price for us and now it is all used up.
16 For the wealth which God has taken from him is ours and our children's; so now, whatever God has said to you, do.
17 Then Jacob put his wives and his sons on camels;
18 And sending on before him all his cattle and his property which he had got together in Paddan-aram, he made ready to go to Isaac his father in the land of Canaan.
19 Now Laban had gone to see to the cutting of the wool of his sheep; so Rachel secretly took the images of the gods of her father's house.
20 And Jacob went away secretly, without giving news of his flight to Laban the Aramaean.
21 So he went away with all he had, and went across the River in the direction of the hill-country of Gilead.
22 And on the third day Laban had news of Jacob's flight.
23 And taking the men of his family with him, he went after him for seven days and overtook him in the hill-country of Gilead.
24 Then God came to Laban in a dream by night, and said to him, Take care that you say nothing good or bad to Jacob.
25 Now when Laban overtook him, Jacob had put up his tent in the hill-country; and Laban and his brothers put up their tents in the hill-country of Gilead.
26 And Laban said to Jacob, Why did you go away secretly, taking my daughters away like prisoners of war?
27 Why did you make a secret of your flight, not giving me word of it, so that I might have sent you away with joy and songs, with melody and music?
28 You did not even let me give a kiss to my sons and my daughters. This was a foolish thing to do.
29 It is in my power to do you damage: but the God of your father came to me this night, saying, Take care that you say nothing good or bad to Jacob.
30 And now, it seems, you are going because your heart's desire is for your father's house; but why have you taken my gods?
31 And Jacob, in answer, said to Laban, My fear was that you might take your daughters from me by force.
32 As for your gods, if anyone of us has them, let him be put to death: make search before us all for what is yours, and take it. For Jacob had no knowledge that Rachel had taken them.
33 So Laban went into Jacob's tent and into Leah's tent, and into the tents of the two servant-women, but they were not there; and he came out of Leah's tent and went into Rachel's.
34 Now Rachel had taken the images, and had put them in the camels' basket, and was seated on them. And Laban, searching through all the tent, did not come across them.
35 And she said to her father, Let not my lord be angry because I do not get up before you, for I am in the common condition of women. And with all his searching, he did not come across the images.
36 Then Jacob was angry with Laban, and said, What crime or sin have I done that you have come after me with such passion?
37 Now that you have made search through all my goods, what have you seen which is yours? Make it clear now before my people and your people, so that they may be judges between us.
38 These twenty years I have been with you; your sheep and your goats have had young without loss, not one of your he-goats have I taken for food.
39 Anything which was wounded by beasts I did not take to you, but myself made up for the loss of it; you made me responsible for whatever was taken by thieves, by day or by night.
40 This was my condition, wasted by heat in the day and by the bitter cold at night; and sleep went from my eyes.
41 These twenty years I have been in your house; I was your servant for fourteen years because of your daughters, and for six years I kept your flock, and ten times was my payment changed.
42 If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had not been with me, you would have sent me away with nothing in my hands. But God has seen my troubles and the work of my hands, and this night he kept you back.
43 Then Laban, answering, said, These women are my daughters and these children my children, the flocks and all you see are mine: what now may I do for my daughters and for their children?
44 Come, let us make an agreement, you and I; and let it be for a witness between us.
45 Then Jacob took a stone and put it up as a pillar.
46 And Jacob said to his people, Get stones together; and they did so; and they had a meal there by the stones.
47 And the name Laban gave it was Jegar-sahadutha: but Jacob gave it the name of Galeed.
48 And Laban said, These stones are a witness between you and me today. For this reason its name was Galeed,
49 And Mizpah, for he said, May the Lord keep watch on us when we are unable to see one another's doings.
50 If you are cruel to my daughters, or if you take other wives in addition to my daughters, then though no man is there to see, God will be the witness between us.
51 And Laban said, See these stones and this pillar which I have put between you and me;
52 They will be witness that I will not go over these stones to you, and you will not go over these stones or this pillar to me, for any evil purpose.
53 May the God of Abraham and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, be our judge. Then Jacob took an oath by the Fear of his father Isaac.
54 And Jacob made an offering on the mountain, and gave orders to his people to take food: so they had a meal and took their rest that night on the mountain.
55 And early in the morning Laban, after kissing and blessing his daughters, went on his way back to his country.